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cavedude 05-28-2009 08:40 AM

I am building the LDoN zones using ShowEQ logs as KLS is adding the code support. If all goes well, I hope to have mmc ready to go around the time the adventure code is ready to be fully tested out.

provocating 05-28-2009 08:44 AM

I have not used ShowEq in forever, so I have an ignorant question.

When you say "using showeq logs", these are log captures from years ago or recently? I know the time does not really matters as I doubt things have changed. I am more asking is there an archive somewhere of ShowEq logs of zones ? I really need to setup ShowEq, I have not used it in years.

cavedude 05-28-2009 08:59 AM

They are brand new logs from within the past month. Our log repo is here: http://www.projecteq.net/logs/ (must be logged into the PEQ forums first) All but the new LDoN logs are in EQExtractor/EQBuilder format, and can be built using those tools. I'll be adding the SEQ LDoN logs shortly. Also, KLS wrote at my request a basic parser for SEQ logs that creates the spawn table data, and inserts the npcid of any existing NPC found with the same name as the one in the log into spawnentry. It can't create the NPC because ShowEQ logs don't provide enough information like EQBuilder logs do. I'll post that somewhere soon as well.

provocating 05-28-2009 11:44 PM

I think I am currently around r589 from SVN.

I was going to try out instancing tonight. I tried the commands to create an instance, add myself to the instance, then list to make sure I was in the instance. All of that worked. Now from that point am I supposed to zone myself as GM into the instance or zone out to the normal LDoN zone point ?

I also clicked the adventure recruiter and surprisingly some of that worked. I guess BOTS do not count as a real group though, said something about me not being the leader of my group.

Meh, not a big deal though I was just going to give feedback, I know without feedback it makes it difficult. At this point though, you are probably working so fast and hard on this that you may not be at the point to even want feedback.

aguina 05-29-2009 05:23 PM

Great Job!
Is there a place where I can download the updates you have been making for the instances? do i use MySQL or is it SVN? some of my zones like Tacvi the monsters are there they have no loot on them anyone know where I can download the updates i need to get my server working? How can I learn to do what everyone here does?

I love everyones work I wish I could help.

provocating 05-29-2009 05:30 PM

The instance branch of SVN is here.


trevius 06-01-2009 08:37 AM

I curious if the requirement to be in a group to request an adventure is a limitation of the client or if that is something that is determined server-side. If it is serverside, it might be nice to add a setting for min group size to one of the tables. It would be cool to be able to make solo adventures an option for custom servers. Mainly though, I would like the option so I could test out making adventures without having to log in half a group :P If the min group size setting is server-side, we could probably just add an Admin check and allow anyone with admin status to request adventures with a single character.

I have a feeling that this requirement is probably being set client-side, but if not, it would definitely be a big bonus to allow the option to try them out with a single character.

cavedude 06-01-2009 10:55 AM

The group requirement is client side. However, once you have a group of 2, you can configure the min and max required group/raid members in rule_values. So, if you want adventures to be full groups only, you can.

leslamarch 06-01-2009 11:12 AM

I have another quick question for you, will the client see a group of one human player and 4 bots as a group? or will it just be seen as 1 human player?

KLS 06-01-2009 01:41 PM

You have to actually have people in your group or raid windows to be counted as "in a group" for the client.

steve 06-01-2009 07:36 PM

I realize we're not using the SoD client, but Sony allows mercs to count towards requesting an instance/task on Live now. Too bad for client limitations :(

Necx 06-02-2009 01:09 AM

I Agree wish the bots could count as group members.
This almost seems to be a has to fix for players.

At Least a option to not have to have a group /raid unless custom server demands it.

KLS 06-02-2009 01:36 AM

This isn't something I can change. The bot code would have to change to show up in group/raid windows properly.

Congdar 06-02-2009 01:37 AM

I was able to accept a Mistmoore Adventure with Me and 5 bots today after a few code tweaks. I'm not finished with all the testing and code tweaks needed, but I am working on it.

KLS 06-02-2009 01:47 AM

See he's on it!

There's really no limitation on adventuring once you are accepted into the adventure. The client just dislikes letting ungrouped/unraided people in.

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