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AiliaMorisato 04-24-2008 06:11 AM

Ailia&Bleh Spell Editor 2.0
Finally updated xml def and optimized format


Secrets 04-24-2008 06:30 AM


Actual download. Was put in the dev section of our forums before, I got it out for you guys :P

trevius 04-24-2008 06:37 AM

Did I do something wrong? It seems like the drop down menus no longer have any listed in the drop down to select from. And they don't show anything accept numbers when they used to show names as well. Maybe it is because I extracted the new files over the existing ones to replace them?

AiliaMorisato 04-24-2008 07:19 AM

hehe, most likely ^^

config.xml was revamped completly to reflect changes to the exe, 2.0 is not compatible with the older files. it should still load any spells file properly

teraphina 04-28-2008 07:48 PM

not sure how fesable this is but can you make a sort to sort out class spells?

trevius 09-01-2008 07:05 PM

Here is the link to the previous version of the Spell Editor for reference. It might be useful to answer some questions:


I am stickying this post as this is a very useful tool.

Xenezie 09-16-2008 02:49 PM

Sorry to semi-bump a 2 week old tread, but while trying to use this spell editor (Loading a spell file), I get the following errors.

1.) System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not fild the file 'C:\Program Files\Sony\EQEmu\titanium.xml

So I take the Titanium.xml file, and past it to the directory.

Following that I get

2.) System.Exception: Number of fields in spells file (202 fields) and format files (203 fields) do not match. ---> System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at Spelleditor.SpellFile.Load(String filename)

Any ideas?

trevius 09-16-2008 04:37 PM

Are you sure you are using an actual legal copy of titanium to attain that spells file from? The standard Titanium install comes with a 203 field spell file. You can use newer spell files with more fields and the program will just remove the extra fields, but I can understand why it wouldn't work if you don't have enough fields.

Also make sure that when you use the program you have the spells file in the directory that you installed the spell editor to.

Xenezie 09-16-2008 05:00 PM

Ahh, that's the problem, I opened the spell file out of the EQ directory - Thanks Trev.

Xenezie 09-16-2008 05:10 PM

Actually that didn't fix it.

Moved the spell file to the Spell Editor directory, still getting the System.Exception: Number of fields in spells file (202 fields) and format files (203 fields) do not match. Error. So most likly an old spell file, with a ton of custom spells I really don't want to re-add.

I am using a legal copy of EQ Titanuim (From Fileplanets Direct to Drive service), un-patached and all. It perhaps maybe an old spell file, but as far as I know the table hasn't changed at all.


Thanks anyhow!

trevius 09-16-2008 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Xenezie (Post 156054)
Actually that didn't fix it.
I am using a legal copy of EQ Titanuim (From Fileplanets Direct to Drive service), un-patached and all.

You need the CDs. There is no legal download to get the correct version of Titanium needed for the emulator.

Since spell files only add fields to the far right of each line, you could do a pretty simple fix. Just import the spell file into Excel using ^ delimiters and then just select the first far right empty column and paste "0"s in the entire column to the last line in the spell file. Then simply save as a TAB delimited text file. Last, open your file with notepad or textpad (textpad rocks!) and do a "Replace All" and replace all TABs with ^, then save the file and you are all done. You now have a spell file with 203 lines :P

Oh ya, and make certain you are trying to use the spells_us.txt file and NOT the spells_en.txt file. The other file will not work at all and now that I think of it, I think it gives the exact error you have been getting :P

derekj54 12-01-2008 07:47 PM

Does this allow you to create additional spells or would i have to change current ones?

trevius 12-01-2008 08:00 PM

This tool only allows you to edit current ones. But, you can manually create on by copying the last line in your spell file and then pasting it on the next line and changing the ID number to the next higher number. Then, you can use this tool to edit that spell.

But, the clients are limited to 9999 as the highest spell ID. So, you can't exceed that number. Also, if you are creating a spell that you want players to be able to use, you will need to give them a copy of your custom spell file so theirs will match yours.

derekj54 12-16-2008 12:12 PM

i finished making about 400 spells starting at 8447 which was the end of the existing spells, it seems ingame it only recognizes up to 8460, if i #findspell 8461 it says its out of number range, can i increase the number range to the 9999 that you said? i really dont want to have to renumber all of them

trevius 12-16-2008 05:48 PM

You have to use the same spells_us.txt file on your server that you are using on the client. If they don't match, there will be issues. If you already have them both matching, then you must have another issue. Maybe you are missing some fields or something, or there is another issue with the new spells you made. There is no setting for changing how many spells the client can use. It is hard coded to max out at ID# 9999. Keep in mind that the limit is how how you can set your max spell ID, it is NOT the max number of spells it can have in the list. So, if some of your new spell ID numbers are over 9999 (even if you still have less than 10k spells in the file), they won't work.

derekj54 12-17-2008 11:43 AM

my highest number spell is 8800 something, and a few of them do work but the ones over 8460 dont, both machines have the updated spell file

ChaosSlayer 12-18-2008 03:25 PM

make sure than your spell files identical on both client and server side, and make sure there is no error in number secuence: for exmaple if you have spell id 8401 followed by 8403 and then by 8402 - the spells will stop working after 8403

covou 04-26-2009 09:46 AM

Anyone able to post another DL link for this as the one currently posted is dead.


GeorgeS 04-26-2009 12:58 PM

There's a copy on my site.
I believe it to be the latest version last time I talked to her.


covou 04-28-2009 09:07 AM

Thanks for that GeorgeS works great

nightsta69 07-28-2009 03:14 PM

does anyone know if there is a spell editor for SoF yet? I used the one that was in georgeS's media encyclopedia, but it only does titanium. I am having a problem with custom spells not being able to be casted unless i'm in combat. thanx

gnode 08-01-2009 01:39 PM

Seems like the downloads arent working

nm. got it off georges site.

Randymarsh9 08-13-2009 11:03 AM

Does anyone else get a bunch of errors every time you click a spell to edit? I'll just get a huge list of stuff saying things like invalid value for ....

Nagus69 09-03-2009 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by derekj54 (Post 161539)
my highest number spell is 8800 something, and a few of them do work but the ones over 8460 dont, both machines have the updated spell file

Same got a similar issue - any ideas? I can use custom spells now, sourced them into the spell_new table. However in EQitems i still have spells going up to 10k even tho i have also around 8500.

Also, how can i edit descriptions?

On the Effects tab there are 3 fields called description ID1-3 and they contain a number. Any idea where i can look what's referenced there and how i can edit it?

AndMetal 09-05-2009 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by Nagus69 (Post 177818)
Also, how can i edit descriptions?

Basically, you need to add them to the dbstr_us.txt file. This page in the Wiki should help shed some light on it.

Nagus69 09-08-2009 03:21 PM

Next question ;)

Is this editor open source? Is the source available somewhere?

Secrets 09-08-2009 11:10 PM

Ailia posted this on IRC:

<Ailia> announcement to whom may give a rats ass: new spell editor comming soon. features include full database support, automatic npc spell list generation and ability to edit any other DB table in the same friendly type of view, any questions/commnects/whatever, feel free to PM me ^^

Nagus69 03-25-2010 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Secrets (Post 178159)
Ailia posted this on IRC:

Any update on this? 6 months ago etc ;)

Secrets 03-30-2010 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Nagus69 (Post 185664)
Any update on this? 6 months ago etc ;)

Likely not, Ailia has moved on to other things.

Nagus69 04-06-2010 05:41 AM

Soooo -

with the release of SoD - how is this going to work? New spells, id ranges, might even be new effects etc.

Anyone thought about this yet?

trevius 04-06-2010 08:38 AM

I believe that SoF and SoD both have the same number of fields in the spell files. There are more spells on SoD, and maybe some new effects, but that doesn't really effect anything. Many of the previous spell effects haven't been coded yet anyway. Spell range shouldn't be anything to worry about either.

Knotthead 07-20-2010 07:00 PM

Sorry to bump an old post, but it seems a lot of the question raised here I am having the same issues.

I DL and am using Spell Editor edition 2.2

Would it be possible for someone to write up a quick Idiot's Guide to Editing Spells for those of us not as brilliant as you guys?

Here is my problem.
I extracted editor to C:AXCLassic-PEQ/axclassic
double click on editor - load spell file - spells_us

I have tried both going in and copying an existing spell and altering it to my liking, and also just editing the spell.
Goto file - save

copy that spells_us.txt and paste it into C:program files/sony/Everquest

Log into the game, and cast th spell and I have get the old results, not the new changes to the spell I've made.

(side note: I tried DL and using Georges spell editor. no matter how I tried to use it, it could not locate my SQL database and wold crash my system. So, I gave up on that)

Thanks for the help

Nagus69 08-01-2010 03:17 AM

The 2.2 one isn't working (it won't save files). You need to use 2.0

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