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-   -   I've got the #2 error while doing the guide (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=26274)

IK91 09-23-2008 12:34 AM

I've got the #2 error while doing the guide
Well, this sucks. :(


mysql> create database peq;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0,00 sec)

mysql> \u peq
Database changed

mysql> source load_player.sql
Failed to open file 'load_player.sql', error: 2

wayneg 09-23-2008 12:57 AM

judging by the error message you didn't change your directory, you missed this part after the following line:

Click Start->Run-> and type in cmd to bring up your command prompt

Now type in cd\peqdb
You should be at C:\peqdb>

Now type in
mysql -u root -p

and type in your password (from the Instance Configuration Wizard)

You will now see something like this,
Welcome to MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g
Your MySQL connection ID is 2
Server Version: 5.0.37-community-nt MySQL Community Edition <GPL>
Type help; or \h for help. Type \c to clear the buffer.

If that is correct, you now need to type in the following commands, pressing enter after each line.
Note: changed in accordance with [http://eqemulator.net/forums/showthread.php?t=23536∞]
create database peq;
\u peq
source load_player.sql

IK91 09-23-2008 01:23 AM

But I did do that. And what is "Instance Configuration Wizard", that threw me off quite a bit.

joligario 09-23-2008 03:16 AM

Make sure you are in the directory where you extracted the load_player.sql file before you run mysql.

The instance configuration wizard helps you set up your username/password. Seeing as how you were already logged in, you don't have to worry about that part.

Just an FYI, you can add the database in the command line now that you have created one.

C:\peqdb\> mysql -u root -D peq -p

Calypso73 09-25-2008 01:43 AM

I'm having the same problem as IK91. And I can't seem to find the load_player.sql file in the database or any folder. I'm just seeing 4 files. I may just try to do all over again.
If that doesn't solve it i'll post back.

joligario 09-25-2008 03:06 AM

Who's database are you loading? In the PEQ database, it is there.

Calypso73 09-25-2008 03:37 AM

I just reinstalled everything. I'm using the PEQ. I have all the files now, however the load_player.sql command I run is still giving me a error #2. Also what is the actual directory those files should be going to? Is peqdb or peq_db because it had asked me that the directory did not exist so I created it and put it into that folder(peqdb)

joligario 09-25-2008 03:55 AM

It goes into whatever folder you want. The files just include code that helps to create the database. You can load them from any directory. Just as long as you change into that directory before executing the mysql -u root -p command.

Calypso73 09-25-2008 04:32 AM

I don't know. I pretty much went right by what the info told on the server creation page. It just doesn't seem to be locating the load_player.sql file, although it's right there. Isn't there any way of extracting that without using the mysql command line? Otherwise I'm just going to try at a later time. Thx for the help though.

joligario 09-25-2008 04:34 AM

You can do it manually or copy/paste.

Copy the block of code, right click the cmd window and select paste or you can manually type each line in... More prone to typos though.

Calypso73 09-25-2008 11:19 PM

Well I give up. I've tried numerous times to set this up and always get stuck at the source load_player.sql . it just gives me "Failed to open file 'load_player.sql', error: 2"

I've also tried copying/pasting files to the command prompt window and get the same error. I remember setting up a server awhile back(2 yrs ago) and didn't have this trouble. Oh well, thx for the help though. I'll keep searching for some answers on the forum or other site

joligario 09-25-2008 11:36 PM

Ensure all the tables are in the same folder as your load_player.sql and make sure your load_player.sql looks like this:


source aa_timers.sql;
source Banned_IPs.sql;
source account.sql;
source botinventory.sql;
source botleader.sql;
source botsowners.sql;
source character_.sql;
source character_backup.sql;
source commands.sql;
source eventlog.sql;
source faction_values.sql;
source group_id.sql;
source group_leaders.sql;
source guild_members.sql;
source guild_ranks.sql;
source guild_relations.sql;
source guilds.sql;
source hackers.sql;
source inventory.sql;
source launcher.sql;
source launcher_zones.sql;
source name_filter.sql;
source object_contents.sql;
source petitions.sql;
source player_corpses.sql;
source player_corpses_backup.sql;
source quest_globals.sql;
source rule_sets.sql;
source rule_values.sql;
source sharedbank.sql;
source timers.sql;
source variables.sql;
source zone_flags.sql;

Calypso73 09-25-2008 11:59 PM

Yes it looks exactly like that, but when I paste it to the command prompt window, it just gives all files the failed to load error:2

Xenezie 09-26-2008 02:14 AM

It looks to me that you've forgot to end your command with a ;



source load_player.sql;


\. c:/YOURDIRECTORY/load_player.sql;

joligario 09-26-2008 03:02 AM

But if he didn't end with a semi-colon, it wouldn't give him error 2 file not found. It would give him the ->.

Are you starting mysql from the directory where these .sql files are located?

start -> run -> cmd

C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name>cd \peq
C:\peq>cd peq_db
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is ****-****

 Directory of C:\peq\peq_db

09/21/2008  08:22 AM    <DIR>          .
09/21/2008  08:22 AM    <DIR>          ..
02/12/2008  10:17 AM            1,861 aa_timers.sql
02/12/2008  10:17 AM            2,272 account.sql
04/21/2008  03:07 PM              387 Banned_IPs.sql
02/12/2008  10:17 AM            1,755 botinventory.sql
02/12/2008  10:17 AM            1,722 botleader.sql
02/12/2008  10:17 AM            1,763 botsowners.sql
03/29/2008  03:17 PM                98 bot_npcs.bat
03/16/2008  04:40 PM                98 bot_npcs.sh
02/12/2008  10:17 AM            2,363 character_.sql
02/12/2008  10:17 AM            2,372 character_backup.sql
04/21/2008  03:07 PM            23,992 commands.sql
09/14/2008  10:34 AM    <DIR>          CVS
09/06/2008  02:26 PM            1,250 drop_player.sql
09/06/2008  02:26 PM            1,780 drop_system.sql
02/12/2008  10:17 AM            2,078 eventlog.sql
02/12/2008  10:17 AM            1,835 faction_values.sql
etc, etc, etc.

C:\peq\peq_db>mysql -u root -p
Enter password: ****

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1
Server version: 5.0.51a Source distribution

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql>source load_player.sql;

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