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RichardoX 07-23-2009 11:10 AM

Interactive Bots
This feature would be to use bots as interactive npcs. For example, we'd need some custom perl commands. Here is an example of what I mean.


quest::say("Hello, $name! I am a traveling adventurer and mercenary for hire. For 5 platinum, I will join your party!")

if($platinum == 5)
##the npc will join the players group and function as a bot.
quest::groupsay("Hello! Glad to be of service.");
##groupsay would be a means of the bot responding in group chat.

We could even expand on the abilities to control the bot. Group commands such as the following:

/g !stay
/g !protect playername
/g !follow playername
/g !attack
/g !assist playername
/g !stop

I think this would bring in a bag of opportunities to those who enjoy creating ring events and other forms of interactive questing.

From what I understand, you have to remove the check for ownership of the bot to place a bot somewhere and force him to join any players group. Any useful comments or pointers on where to start with this? I've never written perl commands before so I don't know where to start with that.

Krugus 07-23-2009 08:01 PM

That would be cool :)

I've been working on a quest script just to add the commands via saylinks to the bots, you have find that post here Only problem with it, its only feasible for small servers since you have to create a quest for each bot.

Adding the functions you are talking about would be cool though. You could set up a various bots npc's in Tavern's and Inns that you could go hire! It would give people a reason to go to Inn's and Taverns besides to quickly sell something.....

RichardoX 07-24-2009 02:31 AM

I am working on this feature but considering I am not a well seasoned coder, I've hit a couple road blocks but we'll figure it all out.

RichardoX 07-24-2009 12:12 PM

Well, I am trying to construct this into a perl command. I found the 'join group' code for the bot.


bool Bot::AddBotToGroup(Bot* bot, Group* group) {
        bool Result = false;

        int i = 0;

        if(bot && group) {
                //Let's see if the bot is already in the group
                for(i = 0; i < MAX_GROUP_MEMBERS; i++) {
                        if(group->members[i] && !strcasecmp(group->members[i]->GetCleanName(), bot->GetCleanName()))
                                return false;

                // Put the bot in the group
                for(i = 0; i < MAX_GROUP_MEMBERS; i++) {
                        if(group->members[i] == NULL) {
                                group->members[i] = bot;
                // We copy the bot name in the group at the slot of the bot
                strcpy(group->membername[i], bot->GetCleanName());

                //build the template join packet
                EQApplicationPacket* outapp = new EQApplicationPacket(OP_GroupUpdate, sizeof(GroupJoin_Struct));
                GroupJoin_Struct* gj = (GroupJoin_Struct*) outapp->pBuffer;       
                strcpy(gj->membername, bot->GetCleanName());
                gj->action = groupActJoin;
                int z = 1;
                for(i=0; i < MAX_GROUP_MEMBERS; i++) {
                        if(group->members[i] && group->members[i]->IsClient()) {
                                if(group->IsLeader(group->members[i])) {
                                        strcpy(gj->yourname, group->members[i]->GetName());
                                        strcpy(group->members[i]->CastToClient()->GetPP().groupMembers[0], group->members[i]->GetName());
                                else {
                                        strcpy(group->members[i]->CastToClient()->GetPP().groupMembers[0+z], group->members[i]->GetName());


                // Need to send this only once when a group is formed with a bot so the client knows it is also the group leader
                if(group->GroupCount() == 2) {
                        Mob *TempLeader = group->GetLeader();
                        group->SendUpdate(groupActUpdate, TempLeader);

                Result = true;

        return Result;

Before I do this however, I need to find a way to remove ownership checks. It will error out if I try to just put the bot in anyone's group. Im trying to find it but I'm not having the best of luck.

RichardoX 08-06-2009 06:12 PM

I'm willing to pay for help with this. :)

Angelox 08-06-2009 11:28 PM

You know, I probably made what resembled the first eqemu bot ever. I did it in Perl and still have the scripts included with our database package. It worked very well, one setback was, you had to target it to command it, but I think that can be resolved with the new quest code.

You spoke with Bohat at Gunthak Lighthouse, she eventually sold you hired help, and spawned you a "Perl -bot". I could use it around the Gulf pretty well. It was all Alpha and just a start - But enter Magoth78 then Congdar with the greatest yet EQBOTS code, so I forgot about mine. Would be interesting to see how far you could go with it. I even had ideas on how to zone and turn up in the next zone with it.

RichardoX 08-07-2009 05:29 PM

This project is unfortunately beyond my C++ comprehension skills. I'd gladly donate money for this to get it started. :) I'm more of a "copy/paste/rewrite what other people have written" kindof guy. lol

Yeormom 08-07-2009 09:29 PM

haha so you finally gave up eh? That didn't last long!

RichardoX 08-08-2009 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Yeormom (Post 176225)
haha so you finally gave up eh? That didn't last long!

I'm a struggling coder/script kiddy. Cutt me a break :(

You could offer me some advice!

Yeormom 08-08-2009 10:23 PM

Thought you were gonna add commands to control them? Last I heard, you had already found the right places to do all of that.

RichardoX 08-08-2009 11:35 PM

I did find it but I've hit some nasty road blocks. :p

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