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-   -   Spawn conditions don't seem to be working. (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=38425)

BasketCase209 06-27-2014 01:23 PM

Spawn conditions don't seem to be working.
I'm trying to create a clan of gypsies in the Loping Plains that during the day are gypsies with merchants and such but at night they despawn and werewolves spawn in their place. The NPCs are placed correctly but when I set up the spawn conditions they didn't show. I zoned out, waited a few minutes and zoned back in and then reset the server twice. They still don't appear to be spawning.
I use a combination of akkadius' eoc and navicat and I took a screenshot of both the navicat spawn2 table and the spawn conditions from akkadius'.
If you're wondering where I got these numbers I tried to mimic spawn conditions that already existed when I acquired the database.
I appreciate the help. This has been driving me nuts. I read up on the spawn conditions but perhaps I'm slow but I'm fairly certain I've set this up correctly.

BasketCase209 07-07-2014 04:44 PM

I just explored Kithicor and Lake Rathetear and it appears no spawn events are working. is this a conflict with the year or something? My server is currently year 0000.

Nightrider84 07-08-2014 10:15 PM

I'm not sure myself I don't have spawns in kithicor either. If you solve the kithicpr problem let me know :)

BasketCase209 07-09-2014 03:06 PM

I could've sworn they worked a little while back when I first set up the server but I could be completely insane. That's definitely a possibility.
I'd like to figure this out because I think the werewolf clan idea is great, I just don't have a way to trigger it as of right now.

BasketCase209 07-11-2014 07:45 PM

I discovered an npc named #daynight and a script that appears to be there to trigger spawn conditions but it doesn't seem to be working.
Could the spawn conditions not working have something to do with this NPC?

cavedude 07-14-2014 01:26 PM

No, spawn_events is handled by the DB now, those NPCs are obsolete and just haven't been removed.

You answered your own question, though. You said your server is using year 0000, but in the PHP editor spawn_events are on year 3518. You most likely did not copy eqtime.cfg to your server directory when you sourced your database. You have to copy this file every time you source in a new version of PEQ. This makes sure your server clock is in-sync with your spawn_events table, which is what triggers spawns that depend on time of day.

BasketCase209 07-14-2014 09:53 PM

Thanks Cavedude. I appreciate the input. :D
I went ahead and replaced my old eqtime.cfg with one from the peq database I'm using and the werewolves appeared. I went to Kithicor to make sure everything was working and Kithicor doesn't seem to be working.
I then went back to the loping plains to make sure I wasn't crazy and targeted a werewolf to #goto them and it disappeared. They all despawned again but it wasn't the time I had set.
Does it take a bit for the database to catch up?
The year is displaying as 3525.

cavedude 07-15-2014 11:52 AM

Zones that PEQ have added spawn_events for can lose a single cycle when running on a different server. That's assuming the proper eqtime.cfg file is used AND the DB is freshly sourced. You can't run the server for a bit and then add eqtime.cfg later for example, spawn_events will be out of sync. You'll either need to re-source the DB, or manually edit all spawn_events to match your server's clock.

I don't think we did Loping Plains, but for that you need to make sure the day, month, and year line up with your server clock. But the bad news is everytime you update the DB, you'll also need to reset your custom spawn_events back to PEQ's time. We can only sync with our own events, we can't possibly sync with somebody elses.

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