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-   -   #bot commands (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=28608)

Nightlord 06-17-2009 05:59 PM

#bot commands
Not sure if anyone posted these, but thought I would share after typing it all out.

EQEmu Bot Commands

Class ID’s: 1=Warrior, 2=Cleric, 3=Paladin, 4=Ranger, 5=Shadow Knight, 6=Druid, 7=Monk, 8=Bard, 9=Rogue,
10=Shaman, 11=Necromancer, 12=Wizard, 13=Magician, 14=Enchanter, 15=Beastmaster, 16=Berserker.

Race ID’s: 1=Human. 2=Barbarian, 3=Euridite, 4=Wood Elf, 5=High Elf, 6=Dark Elf,
7=Half Elf, 8=Dwarf, 9=Troll, 10=Ogre, 11= Halfling, 12=Gnome, 128=Iksar, 130=Vah Shir,

Must have the appropriate class bot in your group in order to cast class specific spells or use class specific skills.

#bot help - show all commands.
#bot help create - shows all race/class/id’s - use for bot creation.
#bot create [name] [class id] [race id] [male/female] – creates a permanent bot.
#bot delete – destroys targeted bot and its items permanently.
#bot list [all/class (1-16)] – list all created bots or by class.
#bot spawn [id#] – Spawn a bot by it’s ID # - Use #bot list to get ID #’s.
#bot group add – Adds the targeted bot to your group.
#bot group remove – Removes the targeted bot from your group.
#bot group order [follow/guard/attack (target)] – Give orders to your grouped bots.
#bot inventory list – Displays the targeted bot’s inventory and slot ID #’s.
#bot inventory remove [slot ID#] – Removes targeted bots inventory item in the slot ID #.
#bot update – Used to update your bots when you level up.
#bot group summon – Summons all your grouped bots to you.
#bot summon – Will summon only your targeted bot to you.
#bot ai mezz – Enchanter bot will mezz your target.
#bot picklock – Targeted Rogue bot will attempt to pick lock (must be very close to door).
#bot cure [poison/disease/curse/blindness] – Cleric/Shaman etc. bot will attempt to cure your affliction.
#bot bindme – Cleric bot will cast Bind Affinity on you.
#bot track – Ranger bot will look at mobs in the zone.
#bot target calm – Cleric/Ench/Pally bot will attempt to pacify your target mob.
#bot evac – Appropriate Bot will transport your group to safe spot in zone (bots will disappear-“poof”).
#bot resurrectme – Cleric bot will resurrect you.
#bot corpse summon – Necromancer bot will summon your corpse.
#bot lore – Mag/Wiz/Ench/Nec Bot will cast Identify on the item held with your mouse pointer.
#bot sow – Druid etc. Bot will cast Spirit of the Wolf on you.
#bot invis – Appropriate bot will cast invisibility.
#bot levitate - Appropriate bot will cast levitate.
#bot resist - Appropriate bot will cast resist buffs.
#bot runeme – Enchanter bot will cast rune on you.
#bot shrinkme – Shaman bot will cast shrink on you.
#bot endureb - Appropriate bot will cast enduring breath.
#bot charm - Appropriate bot will cast charm on your target.
#bot dire charm - Appropriate bot will cast dire charm on your target.
#bot pet remove - Appropriate bot will remove charm from your pet.
#bot gate – Druid/Wiz bot will cast Gate.
#bot archery – Toggles archery equipped bots between archery and melee weapons.
#bot magepet [earth/water/air/fire/monster] – Select the pet type you want your Magician bot to use.
#bot raid help – Commands you can use in raids.
#bot raid [commands] – Use #bot raid help for the commands.
#bot saveraid – Saves you current group or groups of bots.
#bot spawnraid – Spawns your saved goup.
#bot groupraid – Groups your spawned bots.

Bot Raid Commands: #bot raid help
#bot raid info – Shows information on your raid group or groups.
#bot raid create – Will create a raid group (You will be the raid leader).
#bot raid group create – Will create a raid group (Your target will be the raid leader).
#bot raid invite bot [group leaders name] – Invite your target into your group leaders group.
#bot raid disband – Disbands the raid group.
#bot raid order maintank – Your target will be flagged as the Main Tank.
#bot raid order secondtank – Your target will be flagged as the Second Tank.
#bot raid order maintarget – Your target will be flagged as your raid’s Main Target.
#bot raid order secondtarget - Your target will be flagged as your raid’s Second Target.
#bot raid order grouptarget [group leaders name] – Your target will be flagged as the Main Target of a specific raid group.
#bot raid order task [attack/guard] [group leaders name] – Give a specific task (attack/guard) to a specific raid group.
#bot raid order task [follow/assist] [group leaders name] - Give a specific task (follow/assist) to a specific raid group.
#bot raid order task enraged – Command you raid to stop attacking and defend against any Enraged Mobs.

Lord_Vindus 06-18-2009 12:00 AM

Thank you!
Added to the Wiki.

Categories >> CategoryPlaying >> Some Useful Lists

eski2 01-03-2010 12:46 PM


eski2 01-03-2010 09:28 PM

as far as i can see there's no way to force a bot to use an item in a given slot is there? e.g. #bot inventory add [slot ID#] ?

I noticed when i give my lv 62 magi bot 70192 Tome of Forceful Projection and 28819 Iceshatter it will always put Iceshatter in the ranged slot and hand me back the tome.

I don't know how to edit the database to remove it as a ranged slot (what were they thinking?) and i am not sure why the bot ai ignores an empty primary hand in favour of a full ranged slot!

eski2 01-03-2010 10:31 PM

Ah sorry, i think i see it; SLOT_RANGE = 2^11 = 2048, therefore i subtract 2048 from slots to remove it as an option? I guess if i was a C++ programmer i could see why the AI was making those choices but I've never got the hang of it :P

eski2 01-03-2010 10:36 PM

Ah i think that slots is wrong for iceshatter maybe as it is only 2048 whereas SLOT_PRIMARY = 2^13 = 8192, so slots should be 2048+8192 ... but when i right click on it is does show as primary as per http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=8805 soooo maybe i am wrong :P

eski2 01-04-2010 05:37 PM

sorry, iceshatter IS already slots = 10240 so Bots should be able to equip it as primary.I had filtered for Tome of Forceful Projection. So it does sound like some weird bot ai problem?

I'm changing slots for iceshatter to 8192 as a workaround.

WildcardX 01-07-2010 02:02 AM

Sadly, I am afraid I have changed some of these bot commands. If someone is so inclined, the wiki for it can use some updating again.

Nightlord 01-23-2010 04:12 PM

The wiki has been updated regarding the "new" bot commands.


/bow :grin:

dew1960 01-20-2012 02:12 PM

#bot ai mezz

For some reason this bot command does not seem to work for me.

Is there a fix for this in the works?

Anyone else experiencing this? I can live without it but it would help in certain situations, LOL.

*edit* OK, I discovered that the chanter doesn't mezz until the combat is underway and then not right away but it does work. I just needed to pay more attention to the chat, LOL. My bad.

lerxst2112 01-20-2012 04:21 PM

Nevermind, I can't read. :(

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