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-   -   Setting up pre5/11 Velious Beta1 + 6.1DR1 + Minilogin(windows) (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=18707)

iwantavr4 06-05-2005 02:09 AM

Setting up pre5/11 Velious Beta1 + 6.1DR1 + Minilogin(windows)
Okay first disclaimer:
I did this mainly for myself since i was working on this on a computer i plan on not using the emulator on. Also because i found that there is no 1 current guide that has the information in it on HOW to set up a new server from scratch... It took me 3 days to get all this stuff put together from tons of different pages and forums. It worked finally, and i had a ton of issues(especially with the way they were saying to download the perl plugins IO::Scalar, etc). So im posting it here in hopes that someone else wont have to to through the same process i have in killing themselves trying to get this thing working.

If you PM me about the patch i will report and / or delete your pm, depending on my mood. So stop PMing me about where you can find it. I cant help you, i wish i could. Im tired of going thru these friggin PMs that are only about the patch!

Also, wherever it has brackets [ and ] be sure to note them, that means whatever username / password / server YOU wish to create. Dont type the brackets in if it says user/password/server, because thats simply me telling you thats where you choose your input.

Also also, any SQL files will save by Internet Explorer default to .txt files! Ensure when you right click to download them, you are saving them as 'All Files' and ensure they have .sql at the end of the name and be named .sql.txt and will not source properly!

Let me know if theres any errors, i will try to keep this free of bugssss!

Non EQEmu Programs

http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/M...m/pick#mirrors -MySQL Download v 4.0.23
http://downloads.activestate.com/Act...SWin32-x86.msi -Perl
http://home.comcast.net/~molimo140/NMAKE.EXE -NMake(perl thing)
http://home.comcast.net/~molimo140/default.pl -Plugin for EQEmu Quests(right click, save as)
http://home.comcast.net/~molimo140/plugin.pl -Another plugin for EQEmu Quests(right click save as)
http://ppm.activestate.com/PPMPackag...s/DBI-1.48.zip -DBI Perl package(this file may take a few tries to download, the site can be buggy, but its worth it!)
http://ppm.activestate.com/PPMPackag...sql-2.9007.zip -DBDMysql Perl Package(this file too, see above.)
http://ppm.activestate.com/PPMPackag...ingy-2.110.zip -IO::Scalar Perl Package(this file too, see above.)
You will also need to make sure you didnt patch after May 11, 2005. There are ways to fix it if you did, but dont ask.

EQEmu Stuff
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/eqemulator/Maps.tar.gz?download) -All Maps(possibly not necessary, huge download 300mb
http://www.facet42.com/downloads/EQE...1-DR1-Perl.zip -EQEmu Upgrade for 6.1Perl Version
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/e...Perl-Win32.zip -The remaining EQEmu Config files
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/p...ious-beta1.zip -Velious beta Database from PEQ
http://www.projecteq.net/sql/altadv_vars-contents.sql -Alternate Advance Contents from PEQ(right click, save as .sql and type 'All files')
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/e...1.zip?download -Minilogin 6.1
http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.p...rt.sql?rev=1.2 -Upgrades EQEmu items from 60dr2-61dr1(right click, save as .sql and type 'All files')
http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.p...ql?rev= -upgrades something in database(right click, save as .sql and type 'All files')
http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.p...FG.SQL?rev=1.2 -something else in database(right click, save as .sql and type 'All files')
http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.p...ems.pl?rev=1.2 -Perl items conversion script(right click, save as)
http://eqitems.13th-floor.org/download/items.zip -Text file Items from 13thfloor

1) Install Mysql to C:\MySQL
2) Install Perl to C:\Perl
3) Copy Nmake to C:\Perl\Bin
4) Extract Scalar, DBI, and DBD-Mysql to individual directories in temp
4a) Open command prompt, navigate to the extracted DBI directory, type in PPM then:

install DBI.ppd
4b) Exit ppm, navigate to extracted DBD Directory, re-enter PPM:

install DBD-mysql.ppd
4c) Exit ppm, navigate to extracted IO-Stringy Directory, re-enter PPM:

install IO-stringy.ppd
5) Extract Compiled-Perl-Win32.zip to C:\EQEmu\, then extract EQEmu-0.6.1-DR1-Perl.zip to the same directory and ensure you *OVERWRITE* world.exe, zoneperl.exe, and emusharemem.dll
5a) Copy Plugin.pl to C:\EQEmu
6) Create Directory C:\EQEmu\quests
6a) Copy default.pl to C:\EQEmu\quests
6b) Extract peq-velious-beta1-quests.zip to C:\EQEmu\quests
7) Create Directory C:\EQEmu\Maps
7a) Extract Maps.tar.gz to C:\EQEmu\Maps
8) Create Directory C:\EQEmu\logs
9) Extract the following database files to C:\Mysql\bin
9a) peq-velious-beta1.zip
9b) altadv_vars-contents.sql
9c) items-0.6.0-DR2-0.6.1-DR1-convert.sql
9d) 0.6.1-upgrade.sql
10) Open C:\Mysql\bin directory, and double click on WinMySQLAdmin.exe
11) It will ask you to create a username/password(write down/remember what you put in!)
12) Open a command prompt type:

cd C:\mysql\bin
13) then type

iwantavr4 06-05-2005 02:19 AM

+ Minilogin(wouldnt fit on 1 page!)
If you use Minilogin use the following steps next:
(If you aren

HalberdBlue 06-05-2005 02:52 AM

Thanks for an up-to-date guide, I've been trying to use the older guides here all weekend, haven't had much luck :/.

I'll let you know how it works for me.

EDIT: OK still working on this, but if the above doesn't work for you, then try this:

on the GRANT PRIVILEGES thing, instead of making it '@192.bla.bla.bla' make it '@localhost'

And then on the perl_load13thfloor thing, instead of '-d db' use '-d eq'

And then when doing the 'INSERT INTO' etc thing, you have to type 'use eq;' beforehand.

These may sound obvious to MySQL and perl veterans but this is my first experience with this stuff (but I have a little programming background)

Thats just the changes I've had to make to make this work. Your results may vary

iwantavr4 06-05-2005 03:21 AM

No problem, just hope it works out... Took two days to get it up and running so i just hope i got it all remembered right!

HalberdBlue 06-05-2005 04:40 AM

OK I finished doing everything, it works great! Nice work! :)

iwantavr4 06-05-2005 05:19 AM

Edit: Fixed all the errors up top, totally borked those somehow. I knew id forget something! First time with perl and sql, heh.

sweet, i hadnt tried it since i typed it out, im about to do that myself on the other computer.

Glad it worked though, tahts good news for me! I did most of the perl and eqemu stuff a couple days ago, and have been messing with the database since then trying to get it to work...

Hurrah, just glad theres finally something people can work off of 1 source wise :P

Now just gotta find out how you modify this stuff because so many of these mobs are just not quite right...

HalberdBlue 06-05-2005 05:28 AM

OK maybe I spoke too soon, I am having the 1017 error after clicking Play Everquest but I think thats because of my router, and doesn't have to do with your instructions.

Belfedia 06-05-2005 05:51 AM

Nice tutorial, this one of best i see :)
But link for download pre-patch 05/11/2005 everquest files is against forum's rules... (http://www.eqemulator.net/forums/announcement.php?f=586).
You may be permaban for that :(
I'm not moderator, administrator or devs in eqemu, this is just a advice.
This is my last message for this kind of rules. In french country, backpatch are not considered like warez, if you have the original software.

Calabeth 06-05-2005 06:16 AM

Hopefully if he just takes that link out and puts a notice that ppl have to have copy of the pre 5/11 patch he should be gtg.
I will erase my old DB and try and mostly start from scratch trying this see if I can finally get my lil server going correctly and be seen hehe.

iamjooish 06-05-2005 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Belfedia
Nice tutorial, this one of best i see :)
But link for download pre-patch 05/11/2005 everquest files is against forum's rules... (http://www.eqemulator.net/forums/announcement.php?f=586).
You may be permaban for that :(
I'm not moderator, administrator or devs in eqemu, this is just a advice.
This is my last message for this kind of rules. In french country, backpatch are not considered like warez, if you have the original software.

nor is it /truely/ considered 'warez' here in the states, but everyone uses the word in the broadest possible sense anyways.

strike what I said earlier. eqemu works as well as it does because it's developed in the legal grey/white area and because SOE can't do anything about them as long as that's the case. (for now!) allowing links to older files, even for just a few moments, puts the emu's developement at risk.

I don't think he has to change his language, however. He could link to Dr. Zauis's system resore idea, for example. A number of custom-legit servers, too, have a solution for this problem.

solid11 06-05-2005 08:02 AM

Yeah, great tutorial, but do us all a favor and edit that link for pre patch from your post please. Don't want one mistake to ruin it for the rest of us.

HalberdBlue 06-05-2005 08:47 PM

I just tried updating to live from the patch given above. There is NOTHING different. All the server downloaded was eqhost.ini which I had changed, even after a full file scan. The EQ Version number program gave the same version number as well.

Dunno if that means he has to take it down, but that patch isn't worth much unless you know what version of EQ you have to patch it from.

So I'm thinking that the fact I get stuck at the 1017 error and can't get past the log in screen trying to log onto other EQEmu servers is because the patch given above is the same as live.

tancor 06-06-2005 03:15 AM

Are there any other places other then activestate.com to get those few utility addons? I can't seem to get access to that site - I'm very much looking forward to trying the tutorial.

-- Edit --

Nevermind - I managed to get into it finally, must have just been really busy this morning and got the modules needed.

iamjooish 06-06-2005 07:24 AM

bull... I just ran everquest.exe and it replaced my eqgame.exe, among other things.

it doesn't bother me, I have the subject thread and the silly zipfile nested nicely in one of my folders. Besides, there are much less riskier ways of of reverting to the december patch, why put this great guide at risk...


one last little thing


[Quest] Loading perlemb plugins.
[Quest] Loading perl commands...
[Quest] Warning - commands.pl: Perl runtime error: open 'commands.pl' No such file or directory at (eval 4) line 1.

something I shourd be worried about?

sylverwolf 06-06-2005 11:29 AM

Ok. a little note to any new folks out there (like me) and hope everyone reads this whole thread before doing this (this is a really well put together guide btw) :)

When i sourced the first database (the big one), i went for a cup of coffee and did a couple more things and came back and waited...and waited. when it got done, i lost track of where i was and cut right to the next procedure (the delete items deal)


be sure to source the other little items into the database first. what happened was when i ran the perl load items, i got a crapload of errors because i skipped the 6.0-6.1 convert and had to start ALL OVER hehe

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