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gernblan 10-27-2007 06:47 PM

Non-combat mob regen
Does anyone knwo how to make it actually work? No matter what I set mob regen to in npc_types, mobs just dont' want to regen when in non-combat (like if a group wipes OR a monk FDs).

Because I cannot seem to get mobs to regenerate fairly quickly when in non-combat, monks, for example, can literally defeat ANYTHING on the server. All they have to do is hit the mob until they are low on health, mend or whatever, and when they need to, just FD, regen back up while the mob DOES NOT... then fight again, rinse and repeat until the mob is dead.

Our most powerful bosses can easily be soloed by monks this way.

HOW can I stop this? Does anyone have any idea?

Thank you.

I didn't post this in bugs because I'm not sure it IS one.. maybe I am just not understanding something.

Any advice is appreciated.

OH, I'd also love to know how to reduce the AC soft cap for a class... is there a way to do it? I mean, if it's in the code (which I am sure it is) could someone please tell me where so that I can tweak it and recompile?

John Adams 10-29-2007 11:46 AM

Comment out the FD code. That'll fix those squirrely monks!


KLS 10-30-2007 06:45 PM

Ima look into this, I've gotten reports about this from PEQ as well.

I believe if there's a softcap it would be in the calcAC methods, tho the client calcs AC on it's own (hp, atk, endurance and mana too!) so if you change the ac calculations they wont match up to client, not that it really matters.

TheLieka 10-31-2007 02:46 AM

I've been meaning to look into this on my server also. My issue wasn't with monks, as much as normal raid mobs being taken out of persistent groups.

If a group can do 30-40% damage to a mob, then wipe, they can just do that 3-4 times to get the loot. It's extremely annoying when trying to tweak encounters. Once I figured out what they were doing, it made more sense.

So yeah, I'm also very interested in seeing the out-of-combat regen for mobs adjusted. On EQLive, mobs would heal back to full after less than 30 seconds-ish of no aggro, right?


John Adams 10-31-2007 05:02 AM

If I remember correctly, long ago (around Luclin time?) mobs didn't regen so fast... since I was in one of those "wipes so often" guilds, and our nemesis were always standing by to engage our mobs after we dropped. :) I remember vividly the NPC camping our corpses for at least a few minutes before wandering back to it's spawn point, and slowly regenerating it's health.

But lately, you are correct. Combat ends, mob sits there for 30 or so seconds, then runs back to it's spawn point fully healed. At least I think so. I haven't died in EQ1 recently. :)

Magoth78 11-01-2007 05:53 AM

When I coded the bots's raid, I've tested them on an online server with some friends. I've noticed that defeating any target was doable because of theses non-combat regens. What you had to do is to spawn your bots, create your raid, attack your target while you were hidding around. Then, once all your bots were dead, you spawned them again, created your raid and attacked your target. At the end, you won..

To change that, and to give a real challenge, I've added a WoW like regen. If the mob isn't engaged, it is fully healed. It's easily doable by updating the Mob::AI_Process() function in the "I'm not engaged" part.

Now, as it's giving a real challenge, it's not like Live. I even don't know how it works on Live theses days. When I played, though, I remember that the regens weren't so fast.

sfisque 11-01-2007 06:23 AM

i can say, up to the release of LDON, mob regens out of combat were probably in the range of 3-5 x what toons would regen.

i played a monk for several years on and off, and using FD was only good for getting out of combat so you could bandage up and try again, from 100% mob health.

i'm not sure if they changed that after LDON.

the only way i know of FD kiting (back then) being even remotely usable was if you had several regens stacked on the monk (e.g. fungi, sham/dru regen, augments, AA's, etc.)

a realistic out of combat regen rate that would mimic close to Live (back then) and remove the FD kiting exploit would probably be in that range (x3 to x5 or so, give or take).

== sfisque

KLS 11-01-2007 10:20 AM

Regen's not being loaded properly from the DB, I'll also add a rule or something for a % OOC regen or something when I fix it.

gernblan 11-02-2007 12:30 AM

Yes, regen values from the db working properly would go a long way towards helping this situation.

Thank you.

gernblan 11-02-2007 01:13 PM

Just make it a set percentage of the mob's total hit points per tic, then it will scale along with the mobs but always be the same "amount"...

KLS 11-02-2007 05:24 PM

Aye was thinking something like 4/5% per tic default. Two minutes to go from 0-100%.

gernblan 11-02-2007 05:28 PM

That's wonderful, and if you make it a configurable rule (I'd have mine set at 10% if I could, I want uber fast regen to counter the fact that monks are all screwed up on the emu and way way way overpowered, so a soling monk, FD, I want them to get hammered by mob regen), it would be perfect. :)

Also, KLS, just throwing this out there, you may want to make sure the doesn't affect pets too. Dunno why, but something tells me that it could.

gernblan 11-02-2007 05:39 PM

Actually, a switch that also allows it to affect pets might not be a bad thing for solo servers... some may think that hey, if the pet survives, it deserves a downtime regen. I for one would probably switch it on... :)

John Adams 11-03-2007 05:54 AM

Actually, if it could be on a per-mob basis, that would be best, don't you think? What if you want some mobs to regen faster, some slower? Or is that what the mobs individual Regen values would use as a base, then use the new "rule" percentage to offset that?

gernblan 11-03-2007 07:20 AM

Well yes John you are right. It WOULD be best. But a LOT of work.

What about a global rule value that IF a value for it in the db is anything other than 0 (positive or negative like attackspeed) overrides?

That being said, this is a major problem on EMU servers (makes monks pretty much unkillable) so I'd rather see a global thing that can be done quickly and not stress out the programmers instead of having to wait for a long time to have a more complex implementation.

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