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Shiny151 05-12-2020 02:23 AM

Bot spawn limit
So I've deployed a new windows server of Akk's auto install + bots.

In my ruleset I have Bots:SpawnLimit set to 1; and it works...sorta.

Once you zone, another bot from your bot list automagically appears. So now you have two bots.

The rule set works if you try to spawn another bot manually, I get the message "You may only have one bot spawned at a time." But where is this other bot coming from after you zone?

It doesn't matter where you zone, the other one just shows up to party.

How can I fix this?

Uleat 05-12-2020 01:29 PM

- Did you ever have this second bot spawned?

- Have you restarted your server since changing the rule?

Shiny151 05-12-2020 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Uleat (Post 264929)
- Did you ever have this second bot spawned?

- Have you restarted your server since changing the rule?

To your first question, you mean prior in another session? Yes, but probably never properly despawned; just a simple /camp command was issued while still spawned. If that's the case, I can't see many folks issuing a despawn command before logging off. But in terms of the same session, no; I can simply login, do a ^botlist, click one to spawn and then I'm in good shape. Once I zone with the bot I just spawned; the one from the top of the botlist spawns along with the one I just chose from the list.

And yes, server has been restarted.

It's almost as if some sorta bot count check isn't happening or calculated correctly on zoning.

Any other ideas?

Uleat 05-13-2020 06:04 PM

Still trying to figure out where this is happening...

Did you happen to change the rule with the extra bot spawned?


It should be looking at database entries for bots to spawn after zoning.

That would mean that something didn't clean itself up after the change.


Try issuing a ^camp command to the bot in question to see if that clears it.

Shiny151 05-13-2020 11:10 PM

I don't believe I changed the ruleset with the bot spawned; I could be wrong on that but as far as I remember there were no active logins at the time. And, the issue is not unique to my account. A couple other players also noticed this oddity. This is using the RoF2 client as well. I have not tried any other client yet.

I tried changing the bot spawn limit to 0 just to see if a bot would spawn on zoning and it didn't. I'll keep poking around with it.

Shiny151 05-14-2020 12:18 PM

Uleat, I *might* be on to something.

If you create a bot and then subsequently delete that bot because maybe you accidentally created the wrong race/class/gender etc; then, you proceed to create another bot with the same name as the now freshly deleted bot; THAT new bot is the one that decides to show up on zoning; that is, if you don't already have that specific bot spawned.

This is the only correlation that players on my server can make so far in terms of when this is happening; however, if you look at the bot_data table there's only one instance of the bot(s) in question that exist. So again, perhaps some cleanup isn't happening somewhere when a bot is deleted and then subsequently recreated with the same name.


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