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Old 01-05-2005, 11:06 AM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 14

harvest moon on snes has gotta be up there.. the best 2p game of all time is super mario world. Gradius 3 is the best of its kind, legend of the mystical ninja is the best platform game ever, but all around best game ever, was FF7.

secret of mana is like one of the worst rpgs ever.. the only reason it gets any credit at all is for being the only 2player rpg-ish game on snes. the story was like the generic go get 4 shards in the world to make the mana sword complete.. the rpg sucked but the good part about it was it was hardand the fighting was really intense.. the boss's were near freaking impossible. but as far as rpgs go on snes.. SoM doesnt even compare.
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