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Old 10-04-2006, 08:49 AM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 374

I am following your guide to try to get the emu installed on gentoo 2006.1. The problem I was having when I tried to compile was that gentoo 2006.1 uses gcc 4.1.1. After much searching I found out that you can run an earlier version of gcc parallel to gcc 4.1.1 and switch between them when you need to. Here is how I did it for those that are having the same issue:

-First get gcc-3.4.6-r1...

emerge -av =sys-devel/gcc-3.4.6-r1

-After that is done you need to tell gentoo to use gcc 3.4.6-r1 as the default compiler, do this by using gcc-config.

-Type gcc --v to see what version of gcc you are running, more than likely this will spew out gcc 4.1.1

-Type gcc-config -l to list all the versions of gcc on your system.

-Type gcc-config # where # = the number that corresponds to the version of gcc that you want to use. In my case 3.4.6-r1 was number 1 on the list. So I typed:

gcc-config 1

-Type source /etc/profile

-Type gcc --v and it should show gcc 3.4.6-r1 rather than gcc 4.1.1

run make

when you are done compiling eqemu you probably want to switch back to gcc 4.1.1 as your default copiler so type:

type gcc-config -l to find out what number gcc 4.1.1 is on the list, in my case it was number 6.

type gcc-config 6

type source /etc/profile

type gcc --v to verify that it says gcc 4.1.1

Thats it, now you can switch between the two whenever you need to compile new eqemu source code.

Now that I got it compiled I just gotta figure out how to finish the server and get it up and running!
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