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Old 03-25-2008, 12:12 PM
trevius's Avatar
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Ya, you definitely don't want to post this anywhere else. Just wait to see if it is moved or not. Spamming can get you in big trouble.

To even the battlegrounds, I would probably have to make it so the events had a level range specified. Some might be for 20-30, some might be 1-10, some may be 60-70 etc. I would also allow level 70s to temporarily de-level to that level range using my de-level quest. Then it would come down to who has the best no level req/rec gear and/or best skill.

Depending on player race, the NPC that sends players to that zone would send different races to either side of the zone. You can divide it up however you want. Simply add a race check to the porting NPC and then the quest::movepc(zoneid,x,y,z); to have different locations of the zone depending on which side that race is considered to be on. I am not sure if illusions are considered or not, so that might take some testing to make sure people can't cheat and switch sides.

This is one way to do it:

The players zone into a small room that has a locked door on it, and 1 NPC in that room.

That NPC will have a proximity that will cause any players that enter it to be bound to that area and also change their race to the race of their team so sides will be easily identifiable. It will also set a quest global on them all for use later on.

The NPC will ask them to say [ready] when they are all ready to go.

Once one side says they are ready, a signal is sent to another NPC that keeps track of the event. That NPC will then send a signal to the opposing side NPC and the opposing side NPC will say that the other team is ready and all they have to do is say [confirm] which will send a signal back to the event tracking NPC and this will open the doors to begin the event.

Upon getting to the opponent's side of the zone, there will be another NPC in a separate area from the starting room. This NPC will have a small proximity set on it that once entered by the opposing team will cause the NPC to despawn, use quest globals to "flag" the player and set their race to yet another race so that everyone can identify who has the "flag" easily.

If the flag carrier is killed, they will return to the bind point where they zoned in and their "flag" will be removed by entering the bind NPC's proximity. Their race will also be set again to their team's race.

Finally, if the player with the "flag" makes it back to their side (different room than the zone in room), their own flag NPC will check their globals and race to verify that they have the flag and have the correct flag race and then reward the player however you see fit. It will send a signal to the event tracking NPC which will announce that the event has been completed and will despawn all NPCs related to the event.

Deciding the reward(s) is up to you.

Another option might be to have the NPC at the zone in do all of the things I already listed, but also then send the players to their "flag" room. The binding NPCs could then be anywhere that is blocked off from the rest of the zone. I don't think something like this would be all too hard to write. It would just take some testing and working out the final details. The hardest part would probably be setting up the doors.

There are many options that could be added to this quest. It definitely sounds interesting.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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