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Old 04-08-2008, 09:09 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 10

Wow im glad to see all the support were getting,I myself was leading GM there for about a year and decided id rather play it then Admin it! Server is EXTREMELY fun,tons and tons of quests,1group raid content,we got our own loading screen,just tons of fun,new custom spells and AAs coming soon,as someone above me said bugs are looked into extremely fast,usually the day they're posted,always a admin on and if not always a helpful person to help out.Server is just a great addition to Emu,Should be a prefered server! New content comes within a month so ur never bored,by the time ur full raid geared of 1 content theres a whole new expansion being released....But ill stop talking bout it now,just know,the server is full of fun and adventure for everyone of all ages due to our live-like rules to help suite the needs/wants of everyone. Check out the website at or just come try the server out!


Pwnedurface of the great Alarian Empire!!!
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