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Old 04-29-2008, 08:32 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 583

Here are all the vital snippets. Like I said though, it'll take a good bit of adaption, but this contains everything you need to get fear working. With it a feared creature will flee in a random direction, avoiding walls, cliffs and pits.

void Mob::CalculateNewFearpoint()
	int loop = 0;
	float ranx, rany, ranz;
	curfp = false;
	while (loop < 100) //Max 100 tries
		int ran = 250 - (loop*2);
		ranx = GetX()+rand()%ran-rand()%ran;
		rany = GetY()+rand()%ran-rand()%ran;
		ranz = FindGroundZ(ranx,rany);
		if (ranz == -999999)
		float fdist = ranz - GetZ();
		if (fdist >= -12 && fdist <= 12 && CheckCoordLosNoZLeaps(GetX(),GetY(),GetZ(),ranx,rany,ranz))
			curfp = true;
	if (curfp)
		fear_walkto_x = ranx;
		fear_walkto_y = rany;
		fear_walkto_z = ranz;
	else //Break fear
float Mob::FindGroundZ(float new_x, float new_y, float z_offset)
	float ret = -999999;
	if (zone->map != 0)
		NodeRef pnode = zone->map->SeekNode( zone->map->GetRoot(), new_x, new_y );
		if (pnode != NODE_NONE)
			VERTEX me;
			me.x = new_x;
			me.y = new_y;
			me.z = z_pos+z_offset;
			VERTEX hit;
			FACE *onhit;
			float best_z = zone->map->FindBestZ(pnode, me, &hit, &onhit);
			if (best_z != -999999)
				ret = best_z;
	return ret;
bool Entity::CheckCoordLosNoZLeaps(float cur_x, float cur_y, float cur_z, float trg_x, float trg_y, float trg_z, float perwalk)
	if(zone->map == NULL) {
	VERTEX myloc;
	VERTEX oloc;
	VERTEX hit;

	myloc.x = cur_x;
	myloc.y = cur_y;
	myloc.z = cur_z+5;

	oloc.x = trg_x;
	oloc.y = trg_y;
	oloc.z = trg_z+5;

	if (myloc.x == oloc.x && myloc.y == oloc.y && myloc.z == oloc.z)
		return true;

	FACE *onhit;

	if (!zone->map->LineIntersectsZoneNoZLeaps(myloc,oloc,perwalk,&hit,&onhit))
		return true;
	return false;
bool Map::LineIntersectsZoneNoZLeaps(VERTEX start, VERTEX end, float step_mag, VERTEX *result, FACE **on) {
	float z = -999999;
	VERTEX step;
	VERTEX cur;
	cur.x = start.x;
	cur.y = start.y;
	cur.z = start.z;
	step.x = end.x - start.x;
	step.y = end.y - start.y;
	step.z = end.z - start.z;
	float factor = step_mag / sqrt(step.x*step.x + step.y*step.y + step.z*step.z);

	step.x *= factor;
	step.y *= factor;
	step.z *= factor;

	int steps = 0;

	if (step.x > 0 && step.x < 0.001f)
		step.x = 0.001f;
	if (step.y > 0 && step.y < 0.001f)
		step.y = 0.001f;
	if (step.z > 0 && step.z < 0.001f)
		step.z = 0.001f;
	if (step.x < 0 && step.x > -0.001f)
		step.x = -0.001f;
	if (step.y < 0 && step.y > -0.001f)
		step.y = -0.001f;
	if (step.z < 0 && step.z > -0.001f)
		step.z = -0.001f;
	NodeRef cnode, lnode;
	lnode = NULL;
	int i = 0;
	//while we are not past end
	//always do this once, even if start == end.
	while(cur.x != end.x || cur.y != end.y || cur.z != end.z)
		cnode = SeekNode(GetRoot(), cur.x, cur.y);
		if (cnode == NODE_NONE)
		VERTEX me;
		me.x = cur.x;
		me.y = cur.y;
		me.z = cur.z;
		VERTEX hit;
		FACE *onhit;
		float best_z = zone->map->FindBestZ(cnode, me, &hit, &onhit);
		float diff = best_z-z;
		diff *= sign(diff);
		if (z == -999999 || best_z == -999999 || diff < 12.0)
			z = best_z;
		//look at current location
		if(cnode != NODE_NONE && cnode != lnode) {
			if(LineIntersectsNode(cnode, start, end, result, on))
			lnode = cnode;
		//move 1 step
		if (cur.x != end.x)
			cur.x += step.x;
		if (cur.y != end.y)
			cur.y += step.y;
		if (cur.z != end.z)
			cur.z += step.z;
		//watch for end conditions
		if ( (cur.x > end.x && end.x >= start.x) || (cur.x < end.x && end.x <= start.x) || (step.x == 0) ) {
			cur.x = end.x;
		if ( (cur.y > end.y && end.y >= start.y) || (cur.y < end.y && end.y <= start.y) || (step.y == 0) ) {
			cur.y = end.y;
		if ( (cur.z > end.z && end.z >= start.z) || (cur.z < end.z && end.z < start.z) || (step.z == 0) ) {
			cur.z = end.z;
	//walked entire line and didnt run into anything...
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