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Old 06-27-2008, 04:54 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 13

*smacks head on desk* Well, I figured out the problem. I am a noob to all of this, never did any coding past BASIC and a tiny bit of VB. I had the return_item code ya mentioned at the bottom of the quest, as i copied and pasted Trev's code, just changing what i wanted. I summoned a random item, and turned it in, but he said nothing, and didnt give it back, just ate it. Well i did some looking into the plugin::check_handin...and it appears I did not have the plugin. So it wasn't checking anything i handed it, just eating it. I added the code I found after searching on the boards to the plugin folder, and it now works =). Thank you all for your replies, and sorry to have just missed something that simple, lol.

I did not know the plugin::blah_blah was an actual plugin until i did a search for it, so everything seem to be working now =). Thank you all again.
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