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Old 11-03-2008, 03:45 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Canada
Posts: 131

It depends on the server.

For many servers, limits would make a lot of sense (depending on level, quests, money, etcetera). These are servers with a population that expect you to work co-operatively, where bots could be a specific reward to alleviate the pain of multi-boxing or help with harder, larger encounters for a short period of time.

But for other servers, being able to solo raid encounters at Original EQ/PEQ level difficulty is the point. Not allowing a person to run themselves plus 71 bots for their first kill of things like Rallos Zek The Warlord (which my guild definitely did with like, 82 our first time, cause about 15 of us got our flags from another guild previously on the condition that we backflag them in the future, so we let 10 of their guildies get in with us for a back-flag) would be a bit crazy.

A series of optional tags such as:

Number of bots allowed
Level required for bots
Zones that allow bots
Conditions for having bots

would certainly be useful for some servers.

One of these days I am seriously going to learn some coding if only to help with this project.
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