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Old 12-15-2008, 08:44 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Ethiopia
Posts: 3

I used Sidewinder. I think you can download just the software (from Microsoft) and use a regular microphone. Then I set it up so if I said 'one' F1 was pressed. I forget what they are called, but I set up all F1, F2, F3 etc. key commands for my combat, songs, tracking, foraging and so on. Playing a bard, I would sit back and count slowly to 4 and could mix four songs without touching the keyboard. I am 8,000 miles from my regular computer so not exactly sure how I set it up (set it up a few years ago actually) and on limited dial up now trying to figure out how to run this at 50.6k connection (any hints would be greatly appreciated). I'll see if I can't refresh my memory and if anything comes to mind I will add it here. Hopefully this is enough to get you thinking on it. Once it is set up, you wonder how you played without it.
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