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Old 12-29-2008, 04:21 AM
trevius's Avatar
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Maybe the MQ2 source can be useful after-all. After looking at it again, some of the stuff in there is starting to make more sense to me now that I am getting more used to looking at the assembly code from eqgame.exe. I found that MQ2 even has a version for the SoF retail eqgame.exe by looking at the debug from SoF:

Starting EverQuest (Built Sep  7 2007 09:11:49)
And then at the MQ2 build for that date, it wants this exact version (seen in the MQ2Main\eqgame.h file):

#define __ClientName                                              "eqgame" 
#define __ExpectedVersionDate                                     "Sep  7 2007"
#define __ExpectedVersionTime                                     "09:11:49"
So, that tells me that everything we needed to build EQ for SoF was actually already in place at that time.

This should also mean that SEQ structs and maybe some opcodes from that time might be useful as well. Unfortunately, SEQ wasn't updated between 3/25/2007 and 11/05/2007. It was just not functioning at all for about 6 months in between there. They finally got it working again in November right before the actual retail release of SoF. But, at least this confirms that I should use certain older structures over some that were changed after that.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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