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Old 01-02-2009, 04:55 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 135

Off topic much?
Oh well, I find your resources intriguing but skeptical ;p. With resources like that, why not make your own game. Altough, because it sounds like you've been giving some nice hosting resources to Cripp, I believe you in that regard : ).

However, if you really want to make an eqemu server, you should : ). I know that I'm going to do it to test out various ideas for games : P. I've been hopping between this and 2 or 3 other things for the past few years =). Also, I mean if you really want to make a server, you don't have to pay people to join either. A lot of people are in this community because they enjoy making games : ).Don't let these guys upset you ok : ). Just keep going on and let all the comments slide by. That's what I always do ^_^. It's a harsh crowd I know : P, but sometimes people jump quickly to conclusions and what not : ).

If you really want to do it though, you really should. Running a server on eqemu is a great experience and is a lot of fun : ). I think everyone should try it atleast once : P.

Good luck to you man in whatever you do : D.
//The Path of Chaos Server-
//Fate Industries
//Lots of stuff O-o
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