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Old 02-21-2009, 02:28 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: NA
Posts: 3

Thanks for the advice guys, but it doesn't quite answer my question.

The whole reason I've created this server is because I don't have internet access at home, but would still love to play this fine RPG MMO or not.

I realize that considering them is what triggers the "tombstone" response, I just assumed I would actually be able to hold a conversasion with them. For example when right clicking on the "exit tutorial" guy I would have expected to see some options or dialogue that would allow me to exit the tutorial. Since all the npc's are saying the same thing I thought it might be a glitch in the serve hence this post. What I was really looking for was some guidance on finding the start of the tutorial or how to fix this glitch if it is one.

Also, thanks for the links, but I'm actually pretty we'll versed in both as I use them daily in my job.

Thanks for the replies, and further help would be appreciated!
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