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Old 02-26-2009, 03:48 AM
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 1,032

Thank you for reply KLS!

Yes I understand the Fallof now, thanks.

As far as avoids go - well logicly its should be a trade off:

heavy tanks are easy to hit - but they mitigate dmg down
light classes (say monks) - much harder to hit - but their mitigation very very small

So in practice it would turn out into something like this (abstract numbers):

A mob swings 100 times 100 dmg each swing.
A warrior will get hit all 100 times (cuase he can't dodge), but he will mitigate the dmg by say 50%
A monk will only get hit 50 times, but he takes full dmg from each swing

So tanks mitigate, while monks dodge. Now depending on how hard and how fast given mob hits - in a specific situation some mobs wuld be more chalanging for warriors while others would be more chalanging for monks (and all classes in betwin accordingly)

Thats kind of combat logic that would make sence to me (of course with per class rule - each server dev can put in his own numbers)

As far as SKill max out goes - I understand that you trying to do with it , but it just feels kind of in reverse - instead of giving player To Hit BONUS for having higher skill, you penalizing them with to hit PENALTY for not having one. On one hand it does sounds like it the same thing, but in practice- as you noticed yourself it has this silly adverse sideffect that your get penalized not because your skill too low but becuase you just dinged and your cap has increased, cretaing this weird effect with feeling "leveling BAD"

I know I can use this rule to set it to 0 and forget about it but just thinking of alternative solution

Perhaps it would be more logical if you would start from skill of 0 and lower initial To Hit base (again we have it now nicely controlled via a Rule- thank you very much), and then give bonus based on actual skill , not basing it on the fact if ist maxed for the level or not. This way weapon skill will DIRECTLY contribute to your hit chance. (if person has 183 in 1hs - then he gets bonus from 183 in 1hs, regardless what level he is or what his curent max cap)

So let say:

Base Hit CHance: 50%
To Hit bonus from Skill: +1% per say 25 skill (abstract number)
so with 250 weapon skill - you have +10%

logicly this can grow unlimitly but on other hand- mobs avodance and dodge should also be growing. So even if players has +150% to hit chance, but mob has 75% chance to avoid - thats 150-75=75 only leave actual 75% chance to hit the mob (again abstract numbers)

I know you guys have coded hit and miss WAY diffirently, it just I had I am coming from extensive background of running number of custom developed table top combat games, but unlimited To Hit and To Dodge growth substracted from each other seems like most straight forward appraoch I can think of.


Rules are great, but too many could be a bad thing IMO. I dunno if we really need 16 new rules just to set individual class settings. If we did that, then we might as well do 16 individual rules for all formulas lol. I think it would just get out of hand quickly. I don't even thing live takes armor type or class into the calculation at all. It should all be based on Skill, AC and other stats IIRC. So, the fact that the emulator even has that option for customizing is pretty cool
Oh no-no. Not offering to do this by "the armor you wearing" - they tried that in eq2 once- the result was that Warriors started showing up to the raid in CLOTH cuase their AC was maxed out anyway and they were reciving +60% dodge bonsu from wearing "very light" armor type =)
BUT I still thing that the clas groups should be a bit diffirent (monks should have one hellova better avoidance than anyone else, followed by chain melees, and only then plates)
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