Thread: SoF Zones
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Old 04-25-2009, 03:12 AM
trevius's Avatar
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Zone point info could probably be pulled from a packet log fairly easily, but you would have to have an EQLive account and have access to whatever zone it is that you are wanting to pull the info from. Then, zone there while running showeq and log it. Then, it is just a matter of using Textpad and breaking down the individual packets into a structure format. I use Textpad, because you can create some decent macros in it if there are alot of packets to break down. Then it is just a matter of converting each value from hex into decimal. The best way I have found to do that part is by using Notepad++. It has a feature that will convert hex values. Then you just set a hotkey for doing that convert and go down the entire line until you have them all converted into decimal. Unfortunately, that does NOT work for floats. For floats, the easiest way is to just use hexvis and copy and paste each value (takes forever). Last, just use the macros in Textpad again (create a new one) to convert all of your structures into something you can easily paste into Navicat. Then, you are done.

It is quite a pain, but it actually works quite well if you have the knowledge to do it and the free time. Though, on a zone with limited doors, objects and zone points, it probably wouldn't be bad at all.

Of course, this will all be MUCH easier if the collectors are ever fixed. They do all of that automatically. I will probably be doing doors/objects for zones 1 by 1 as I use them, and I will definitely submit them to Cavedude if he wants them.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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