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Old 05-16-2009, 08:30 AM
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Finland
Posts: 65
Default Wierdness using quest::depop in EVENT_SPAWN

Trying to code around the "lockout" in the coirnav event left an interesting error.
The Guardian_of_Coirnav should spawn when the event is ready. No problem, really. One method, if the event isn't ready, then depop the trigger mob. A simple global check, I thought:

    if($qglobals{coirnav_done} == 3) { #Coirnav has a lockout, I'm outta here.
I set the Guardian to a 25 minute spawn just for testing purposes. I completed the event, left the zone booted for a while, and came back to this:

Basically the extras were targettable on the client, but using either #depop or #kill on them resulted in "No target" Errors. When you used #listnpcs Guardian_of it only showed ONE guardian spawned (as highlighted).

Okay, not the best move to do it inside the EVENT_SPAWN block, so I changed the depop method it uses. Lesson learned, but still strange. I'm left wondering why depop causes this "ghost" to appear on the client when inside a EVENT_SPAWN block.
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