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Old 07-17-2009, 10:58 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: California
Posts: 814

Yeah, KLS, MakeAnyLenString was certainly an option. I went with snprintf instead to lower a bunch of heap allocations I considered unnecessary. I can elaborate.

Utilizing snprintf, the memory for the string gets allocated just once at the beginning of the function, and is reused with each call to snprintf. The only caveat is to make sure I set aside a large enough buffer for all of my possible uses.

With MakeAnyLenString, for anyone reading who isn't familiar with it, the memory for the string is allocated with each MakeAnyLenString call, and re-allocated as many times as necessary within the function to fit the result string, starting with 256 bytes and doubling each time, re-performing the vsnprintf() call and its process time for each re-allocation as well. This means you don't have to worry about how large the string is, but it also means you could end up with three or four heap allocations per call for larger strings, and re-performing the vsnprintf() call for each allocation until you get one that fits within the buffer, potentially wasting time and fragmenting the heap.

If there's a standing dev preference for the use of MakeAnyLenString over snprintf, I have no problem changing the code to use it instead. I just felt I would explain why I didn't in this case, where the query string buffer might be re-used several times in a single function call.

As for your suggestions, Trev, at the very least adding a coordinate report in 'Move ToMe' is a simple and very worthwhile idea, requiring just one line addition at (what shows in my current source as) Line 14145:

File: command.cpp - object_command()
        // GetHeading() returns half of the actual heading, for some reason
        x2 = 10.0f * sin(c->GetHeading() * 2.0f / 256.0f * 3.14159265f);
        y2 = 10.0f * cos(c->GetHeading() * 2.0f / 256.0f * 3.14159265f);
        c->MovePC(c->GetX() - x2, c->GetY() - y2, c->GetZ(), c->GetHeading() * 2.0f);

+       c->Message(0, "Object %u moved to %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, heading %.1f", id, od.x, od.y, od.z, o->GetHeading());
      else // Move to x, y, z [h]
Unfortunately, not bumping the player back when using 'Move ToMe' always caused problems during my debugging. The model would get summoned into my character's location at his feet, and because the model was always considered solid as a moveable tradeskill object, my character then either (1) couldn't move at all and I had to use #goto, or (2) got bumped up atop the object or bumped out of the object. Both rather throw a wrench in fine tuning location by moving your character slightly with another 'Move ToMe'.

However, adding the coordinate report before bumping your character back will allow numeric fine-tuning, at least, and was a very good idea. I should have thought to add it to 'Move' after putting it in 'Add'.

Now, what problem exactly were you having with door models, Trev? I was able to use FELDOOR2 and DOOR1 while debugging the command in Felwithe.
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