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Old 08-06-2009, 04:54 PM
Secrets's Avatar
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You guys act like it's some big secret. It's MacroQuest 2 plugins that cause this, and they've been doing it for years.

I don't think a "security company" will help you. At all. Look at GameGuard, HackShield, etc. You need serverside detection for an open-source community, not clientsided. The only time a clientsided hack detection will work is the same time the project is closed source. (See: Bane of Life.)

And to be honest, there's a lot of it as it is. The best part about open-source (as it is shown in PHPBB communities and the like) is that you can solve all issues by submitting fixes for them. So, if you have a better solution to fix an exploit, just submit it. Otherwise it's going to stay broken forever. No amount of anti-hack is EVER going to fix the exploit, unless you keep the anti-hack closed source and your project as well.

Keep dreamin'.
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