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Old 11-10-2009, 03:44 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 31

That is the BB camp. The recruiter there does not show any quest. The MMC is Mistmoore, that is the one I was asking about.

As far as my fix, this is what worked for me. The original SQL columns did not match up in my DB so I kind of modified it to read this way.

INSERT INTO bots SELECT NULL, bo.botleadercharacterid, nt.npc_spells_id,, nt.lastname, nt.level, nt.race, nt.class, nt.gender, nt.size, nt.face, nt.luclin_hairstyle, nt.luclin_haircolor, nt.luclin_eyecolor, nt.luclin_eyecolor2, nt.luclin_beardcolor, nt.luclin_beard, nt.drakkin_heritage, nt.drakkin_tattoo, nt.drakkin_details, nt.MR, nt.CR, nt.DR, nt.FR, nt.PR, nt.AC, nt.STR, nt.STA, nt.DEX, nt.AGI, nt._INT, nt.WIS, nt.CHA, nt.ATK,null,null,null, FROM botsowners bo, npc_types nt WHERE nt.isbot = 1 AND = bo.botnpctypeid;
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