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Old 12-18-2009, 03:25 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Texas
Posts: 18

Yes, it has always been my experience if you die and you are the bots owner bots go away as you discovered. The cleric can rez another 'real' party member in your group as long as you are the bots owner and you do not die.
If I recall correctly the way I dealt with it was I created a high level Necro bot, put him in group, then port back to the zone I died in. Have Necro summon corpse (unless you want to fight back to your corpse without gear) and then dismiss Necro. Re-form your regular group with cleric and then have Cleric do a rez on you to regain most of your exp.
It has been awhile since I have had to do this so I'm going from memory, but you get the idea. If you die and you are the bots 'owner' they poof. Just regroup, get corpse, and then exp rez.
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