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Old 12-31-2009, 10:30 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 6
Default Guard of Calliav / Bulwark of Alendar

These two spells, which are from the LDoN era, don't seem to work.

Guard of Calliav is a magician spell, but there are also Bst and Nec varieties as well. I believe there is another spell in its line that is an upgrade to this. Essentially this spell places a rune on your pet that absorbs a number of hits (or spells), instead of a traditional rune that absorbs damage.

Bulwark of Alendar is an enchanter spell that reduces magic damage on the target by a percentage until a total amount has been reached and it dissipates.

For Guard of Calliav, the spell lands on the pet, but after multiple hits proves to do nothing. The icon doesnt wear off after the two hits, either.

Bulwark of Alendar is a bit hard for me to test, but the simple fact that it gives me an error message when cast: "Unknown spell effect 161 in spell Bulwark of Alendar (id 4076)", I'm lead to believe it doesn't work.
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