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Old 02-14-2010, 11:29 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 10
Default Servers 'review'

I sat down today and did something i haven't seen done on here (point me to it if you have) which is browse through the server list, picking servers, making a lvl 1 barb warrior and noting what you get/where you land when you start the character.
This will help new players in a few ways. I have listed, in order, where you land, zonewise.. If there is a server greeter/info NPC to help you get started.. What the stated exp modifier is.. what items you start with, if #zone is useable, and any other important info. Things to note: If there is vendors etc in another zone (say POK) but it wasnt noted on the greeter/motd then I didnt go looking. Someone new to the server would not either. (thing to think about GM/server admins!) Char was NOT leveled. Was a login, see what you get/what NPC's are around/what is on offer, log out thing. I typed #zone poknowledge or guildlobby to test #zone usability. Standard means 1 bag, food and drink, lantern and the starter weapon.

Server name. Players online (when I logged in). Starting Area. Server Greeter/Info NPC ? Exp Modifier? Free armor/items vendor? Items Char starts with? #zone useable ? Other Info?

*The Grand Creation. Legit/ldon 207. Gloomingdeep. No Greeter. No exp modifier listed. No custom vendors. Standard. #Zone unusable.
*Project 1999. Classic Legit PVE Progression 444. Default Race area.(halas). No Greeter.No exp Modifier. No vendors. Standard. #Zone unusable.
Project 2010 - Locked
*Dragon Soul 18. Gloomingdeep. No Greeter. ? No exp modifier listed. No vendor seen. Standard. Everything was in symbols, so chinese language pack req?
*Ez Server 193. Surefall Glade. Greeter. Exp mod ? Free armor/1.0/Charm. Standard. #zone not useable. Teleporter NPC's, custom spells, practice dummy.
*Raid Addicts 30. Erud's Crossing. Greeter. Exp mod? Items vendor, but wasn't free. Epic/4 healing pots/2 pearls(?). Start on a boat, end up on an island.. don't fall off boat. red sharks all around..
*Storm Haven 73 . Nexus. Greeter. Exp Mod ? Items vendor, not free. Standard. #Zone unusable. Lvl locked transporters.
*VZ/TZ 14 Default Race area.(halas). No Greeter.No exp Modifier? No vendors. Standard. #Zone unusable.
*Hidden forest: 80, Custom Area. Server greeter. 3x Exp. Armor/Weapon vendor in custom area. Bag/weapon/food/2 charms.. one default, the other from a hail.. default is for an alt progression path. #Zone unusable. Transporters to custom zones, custom spells.
*SoA 27. Surefall Glade. Server Greeter. 4x/5xExp. Armor/Weapons in starter area. Standard. #Zone unusable. Lvl locked transporters.

*Everquest Vintage 0. Default Race area.(halas). No Greeter. No exp Modifier? No vendors. Nothing, not even newbie food/bag/weapon. #zone command inactive.
*Award pvp/pve - Locked
*Irreverant 21 , Gloomingdeep. Greeter. No exp modifier noted. No free. Gate charm/food/bag/weapon. No special commands(stated very clearly by greeter)
*Unicorn - Locked
*Shadow Assasin (Chinese) - 12. Gloomingdeep. No Greeter. No exp modifier listed. No vendor seen. Standard. Everything was in symbols, so chinese language pack req?
*Order of Sin 14. Nexus. Greeter and info NPC. ? No exp modifier listed. Vendors in Nexus. 7x10 slot bags and Gate charm. #zone not useable. PVP.. names are all red.
*Crimson Tempest 2 Guildhall. Server greeter. No exp modifier listed. Free armor/weapon. Standard (hail an npc for a 200/200 gate charm in hall tho..) #zone unuseable. Custom transporters in the guildhall.
*Bots 1. Gloomingdeep. No Greeter. No exp modifier listed. No free seen. Standard. #Zone unusable. /motd had a huge speil about bugs and issues happening.. not inviting.
*Vdubs 7. PoKnowledge. Greeter. No exp modifier listed. Free vendors. Standard. #Zone unusable
*Alakmin Classic 0. Race default. No greeter. No exp modifier listed. No custom vendors. Standard. #Zone unusable.
*Alakmin Powergame 1. Gloomingdeep. No Greeter. No exp modifier listed. No custom vendors. Standard. #Zone unusable. Hotzone list provided in /motd
*Dawn of Norrath 3
*Pildoor Reaper 8
*Evil Enchanted Production 0
*Blood of the Arkadian Locked
*Clumsy's World Locked
*Dark Shard Locked
*disone servr 0
*draco's realm 0
*Everquest fusion 0
*gnomish proving grounds 14
*Home brew 0
*Killspree Dev Locked
*Knights of Excaliber 0
*Last World 20
*Morell-thule- Resurrection 0
*Official bot test 0
*Scotts Homebrew 1
*Sirens Bane 0
*Solo 0
*Green Dragon Locked
*Hidden forest test Locked
*The Realm 2
*Valhalla EQ 2
*Wilsons farmtown Locked
*Wrath of Zek 0
*Burning Prince 18
*Destiny's 0
*Haven 0
*Scorpicus2k 0
*Surface 0
*Wimervision 0
*Zabrak _Closed Locked
*Shattered Euphoria 0

As can be seen I haven't finished this lil project, feel free to dive in and do some if you want. Server owners/staff should be doing this anyways.. to see what they can improve their own servers with.
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