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Old 12-23-2010, 10:28 PM
revloc02c's Avatar
Hill Giant
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: UT
Posts: 215

Here's a website for learning C++ if you are interested, but it is geared toward beginners. I am not a beginner in programming, but I am with C++ and I have found many things helpful that I have even used in other languages.
(hmm, down atm, but I was using it just earlier today)

I have to agree whole-heartedly with Tobasco:
Originally Posted by Tabasco View Post
Ultimately nothing teaches like experience and necessity.
It's hard to just fabricate necessity, but working on EQEmu C++ code would be a good start. Just start trying to change stuff (obviously you'd have to have a server).

I know it can be hard learning extra stuff while you are taking college classes. So good luck to ya.
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