Thread: Bot Discussion
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Old 07-19-2011, 11:55 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 172

Originally Posted by Criimson
My origianl plan was this:

Realistically, I could have percentages of AI already coded finished in a day. I just thought that there were only a few of us interested in bots to be honest and so wasnt a priority. If you'd like I can have some class settings done by tomorrow night.
While I appreciate the offer, I suggest running up through level 65, grouping with multiple classes to get a better feel for how the classes interact, and what spells are cast when. You mentioned being level 15. At that level ( and through the 50s probably) you will be OOM a lot, since you have little to no mana regen. For the past year, on and off, I have been going through all spells, trying to get bots to level 75+, as well as add in any spells that can be with the current code, or for ideas as to what can be added in the future. While I know much more about the spells than I did before, until I grouped certain classes together running through Vex Thal or PoFire, I didn't really see how to better manage my groups to be more efficient.
I played live to 80. The only classes I didn't play were healers because they felt boring.

This does bring to mind though that roles should be a cornerstone of the AI. Especially since grouping and raiding are vastly different. In raids there are more than one of any given class and so the idea of roles grows stronger. I am primarily going to stick with group AI at the moment for two reasons. 1) I mainly group and as you say I won't be extensively testing and tweaking the code if I am not utilizing it. 2) If a bot can't act correctly in a small setting than it will almost certainly fail in a larger setting. Most of my code thus far has come from playing and noting issues that I am having.

For instance enchanter AI. One of my main characters was a chanter and so it is driving me crazy that it isnt playing like I would. That is when I noticed that the priority column in the DB is a waste on them. I keep getting distracted to other things but I have mez at highest priority and even have a simple check that it should run before casting anything but it seems to cast mezzes at random times. Sometimes Im proud of it and other times I want to just kick it from the group.

Also the code for healers is good to have in the code because it helps the people that can't code. With no check in place clerics were DDing till oom. Perhaps I set the % too high for some, but most of the threads I read on clerics and mana were complaining about oom issues. FOr those that have been around and can compile their own code they can change it easily and until we add a #bot commands for in game settings I think it helps.
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