Thread: Bot Discussion
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Old 07-22-2011, 09:06 AM
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Posts: 512

Originally Posted by sorvani View Post
I do not run bots but all your talking lately has me wondering. What purpose are bots going to service once the merc code starts coming in? Will some / all of the bot code be useful for that?
Wildcard had begun work on mercs, but has been missing sicne.

Originally Posted by WildcardX View Post
Okay so now that the SoD client is getting supported, it seems now is the time to implement the merc system as the SoD client implements it anyway. Instead of doing a Bot 2.0 upgrade, I am going to rewrite the system again as I believe it is best for the code base in general if mercs are implemented and then bots inherit their functionality from mercs. So yes we will support mercs as consistent with eq live (I still maintain Sony stole the idea of mercs from this community...) and there will still be a bot system, but that bot system will be an optional system, as it is today and it will be built on top of mercs, instead of mercs built on top of bots and then dummied down some.

In a lot of ways, merc logic is very similar to bot logic as it is really a group only ai system.
Basically, mercs would be built in on top of the mob objects, created live-like, then bots on top of mercs (taking out merc only stuff such as upkeep and stuff, but adding in bot specific code, such as class specific code, raid support, etc.)

If anyone wants to take a look, there's a branch in the svn that he created for mercs and bots, but I'm not sure what if anything was done on it.

If we have any opcodes and such for some of the merc functions, I would be willing to try and get a working merc (but I'm sure it would take a while, as I don't have the most time in the world now). I'm just not sure I want to take the time to figure out how to do opcodes at the moment.

EDIT: I checked out the code, and it appears as if he just added a header file with constructor and destructor declarations.. lol
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