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Old 08-29-2011, 01:24 PM
John Adams
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,552

I'll throw my gauntlet into this fire as well. When I was running Morell-Thule on a linux box, I do not (actively) recall the zone binaries crashing, but now that I am on Windows, with VS2010 loaded, I see 2-3 zone.exe's a day throwing exceptions. My logging also shows minimal information, but I will take the info posted above and try a Pet Class tonight and see if I can get a zone to crash. If so, I might be able to debug it.

Meanwhile, since it's been years since I was involved with EQEmu, can someone remind me what Logging I can enable to get more details on zone and what it is doing? More logging might help identify this problem for all.


PS: This is happening with current SVN code, as well as my ancient Abyss server running PEQ-Repack binaries from 11/8/2007, so I don't think it's anything new... just related to crappy Windows
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