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Old 09-11-2012, 11:44 AM
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Posts: 512

Originally Posted by rhyotte View Post

Were you a cleric main at some point? Nice!

P.S. Bots do auto recast upon fizzle right? For those who create a CH chain.. The number of clerics X the number of seconds in the rot has to = or exceed the 10 seconds of a CH. My advice is to give fudge factor for fizzles when you do a ch rot setup. Example given: (4) cleric x 3 second CH Rotation = 12 seconds total. you really do not want to cut it much thinner than this in a real rotation to allow for those fizzles / spells interupts within the 4 cleric chain. I used to be a hardcore raid cleric.. back in the days of the CH Rot..
I'm not aware of a way to check if a spell cast has fizzled or not from the current spell casting code. It's kind of a set it and forget it. Should it also consider interrupts? How do you manage the next one in line if a recast is necessary? It would have to depend how far into the cast the bot was. This is probably doable, but would take some work.

And, no I was not a cleric; my cleric only made it to 50. My main was a mage whose top raiding experience was a complete wipe on Grieg Veneficus somewhere around GoD release. Not exactly stellar. Just trying to progress into Time / GoD on my private server. I'm tired of running through all my tanks hoping I can kill fast enough to not wipe. Hasn't happened yet on Aten Ha Ra. I hope to try that out soon.
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