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Old 12-20-2012, 03:55 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 15

Unfortunately it didn't work...

The problem is with the cleric bots mainly. Its like the ai ignores the fact they are guarding and moves them into range to cast a healing spell. When the combat ends, they remain in that spot guarding. Its only during combat, but only when 2 bots are in the group. The bot guards fine as long as its the only bot in the group, as far as I can tell, players told me they only had the 1 bot and a couple players and this happened, but I cant repeat that. It seems to work fine as long as its the only bot in the group. As soon as I add a 2nd bot, say a rog, and it becomes engaged in combat, the cleric bot moves into range, ignoring its command to guard. Before it would stay put, not caring if we are out of range dying, only when moved into its casting range would it start healing. I don't think the problem is in the command itself, but in the ai where it is casting a spell and checking the range, moving them into range(and ignoring the guard command) but I cant seem to find it.
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