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Old 03-21-2013, 08:15 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 220

Originally Posted by ChaosSlayerZ View Post
sometime ago some one mentioned that this bug MAY come from the fact that there was a LIMIT on how many
faction-to-faction interaction you have set up, and they stop working after like 5 or 6.
Ah, that would make sense. I will test accordingly.

Perhaps this is why original PEQ DB uses sub-faction. For example qeynos guards in qeynos and qeynos guards in west karana use different sub-faction assigned to them, while both sub-factions are tied to the same main faction "Qeynos Guards".
This is approach makes setting multiple f-to-f combos very painful, but unfortunately necessary.

This was a while ago, so maybe this limit was lifted, but I don't know.
Yeah, basically what I have done is take all the Qeynos Guards and remove the sub factions and give them all the same faction hits no matter what zone they are in. Which to be fair, is working fine - its ever faction after that in the list that seems broken.
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