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Old 02-25-2014, 08:14 AM
cavedude's Avatar
The PEQ Dude
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Yes, the old schema works perfectly fine with Linux. The tables all come from Grand Creation's live database, some of them just have the data removed (accounts, character_, etc) I've also confirmed that my local test server which runs a completely different distro also creates group_leader entries fine using the old schema. This sort of thing isn't unusual at all, the OS can and will influence how MySQL behaves. Case sensitivity and how NULL is handled (which is what is happening here) are two examples of that. In addition, OS and the compiler version can influence how C++ behaves, which may also be a factor here as well.

Not arguing the change wasn't needed, because it most certainly was. Having a NOT NULL column and no default value obviously is bad news. The developer who wrote this code probably did it as an oversight, though.

The zone crash doesn't make any sense to me, either truthfully. I've only seen it once so far so I left the changes in (last night's DB should be fixed.) But, I've never seen this one before and it occurred right at a GetLeader() call when a player was being disbanded from the group (possibility the leader itself.) The data looks good, and old data is removed every time the server is reset - which for us is every morning. I monitor TGC for crashes anyway, so I'll just be sure to note if I see this one again.
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