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Old 06-27-2014, 01:23 PM
BasketCase209's Avatar
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: California
Posts: 28
Default Spawn conditions don't seem to be working.

I'm trying to create a clan of gypsies in the Loping Plains that during the day are gypsies with merchants and such but at night they despawn and werewolves spawn in their place. The NPCs are placed correctly but when I set up the spawn conditions they didn't show. I zoned out, waited a few minutes and zoned back in and then reset the server twice. They still don't appear to be spawning.
I use a combination of akkadius' eoc and navicat and I took a screenshot of both the navicat spawn2 table and the spawn conditions from akkadius'.
If you're wondering where I got these numbers I tried to mimic spawn conditions that already existed when I acquired the database.

I appreciate the help. This has been driving me nuts. I read up on the spawn conditions but perhaps I'm slow but I'm fairly certain I've set this up correctly.
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