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Old 04-14-2016, 12:44 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 24

So spent some more time with the cleric bot.

With healer rotation enabled, it does attempt to heal me, although with only complete heal and as soon as I reach 95%. I noticed that ^healrotationlist it shows the base hp limits for different armor classes. I would like to modify these- is that done by command or settings on a table? Can I also choose what spells it uses at these levels? (that would be perfect!)

Otherwise some weird stuff has happened to note but is probably up to AI WIP:
- I FD at a mob and the cleric followed the mob away. Mob cons threatening but didn't attack the bot (i'm guessing bots can't be aggroed?)
- I got a CH while FD after I was out of combat. (aka pet died, mob walked away, then I got the CH)
- Cleric bot spams 'Celestial Health' on me while I'm resting between fights.
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