Thread: Wanted:
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Old 10-28-2021, 03:12 PM
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 279

Originally Posted by Lochrin View Post
Wanted, by a lot of folks:
P99 Purple.
A direct copy of the p99 servers that exist today ( single box, no macro quest, etc, etc ) but up to Luclin.
Why? the current servers are extremely stale at Velious, and quite a few of those trickling off the server have indicated the staleness is driving them away, and would hang around for Luclin.
Current p99 dev wont do Luclin, so heres the chance to provide something players want... And players is quite a huge number, so it needs to be stable etc.
Want to gauge interest? pop onto the p99 forums and ask for a hands up. You would be surprised by the numbers.

Better get started.. Lots of work ahead of you.
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