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Old 12-08-2008, 01:31 AM
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Ya, I figure if worse comes to worse, at least I am learning something along the way, which is always a good thing

My current plan is to find as many opcodes as I can. I think once I get the hang of it, it won't be too bad to find many of them. As long as I can get the important ones going, then I can move onto the next step. The next step will be to see if I can figure out how to collect packet structures from EQLive, and then compare the Titanium structures to the Live structures and see if I can figure out what might work for SoF. I imagine that the structures from SoF are still fairly close to Live in alot of ways. By looking at the added features from each expansion, it might not be too hard to figure out what to add/remove and where. I think then the main issue will be making sure that everything takes up the correct space in the structs, since that will be hard to guess. Once the old and new structures are compared, we can probably narrow it down to a few questionable pieces and try to resolve those. I also think that SEQ source might be of some help. Though, I am not sure how exact their structures are for their releases.

Nothing ever gets done by lack of trying. Gotta start somewhere I guess, lol. I figure that if I can get a good start on this, maybe some people will see the progress and jump on board to help and finish it off quicker.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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