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Old 03-20-2008, 04:42 AM
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 1,032

Originally Posted by sabyre View Post
You would need to be careful of conflicting with quests. Some quests require specific NPC's in specific zones. This could also conflict with zone navigation. Running through zonea trying to get to zone b, but zone a is restricted, hense no way to get to zone b.

Stuff like that.

I don't mean to sound negative, and obviously you should do what you prefer with your server. I'm just an old grump I guess. =)

I prefer things logical.
well in my version I only mean the XP geting restriction =)
So MinLev to XP - means you cannot get XP in this zone unless you are at least lev X, and Max lev - means no Xp above lev Y - you can sill run around all you want

Thought hard "no enterance" lev restriction could also have it uses in specific places (think of entire zone coded in a simular way like no Vox/Nagafen for people over 52 on LIVE, or lower than certain level to prevent Power Leveling or geting low level alts no drop items)

The ability to alter WHEN mobs change from Dark Blue to Light Blue to Green level ranges wise could also be very usefull to direct players into specific direction.
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