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Old 05-05-2008, 01:11 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 374

Is there anymore work being done on this project. I like the magelo portion of it and am trying to set it up on my servers website so my players can view their characters. However I do not want the character_/index.php page to display the account id's, and account names. The only tables I want it to show are character name, level, and class, and when the player clicks on the character name it takes them to their profile. My php skills are limited, what do I need to edit on the character_/index.php page to make this happen?

Default contents of character_/index.php



<title>EQ Emu - Character List</title>


$time_start = microtime(true);
include "../includes/constants.php";
include "../includes/functions.php";

if (!isset($_GET["limit"])) {
	$_GET["limit"] = 10;
if ((!isset($_GET["offset"]) || ($_GET["offset"] == ""))) {
	$_GET["offset"] = 0;




<center><h1>Character List</h1></center>

<table align="center" border="1">
	<form method="GET" action="">
	<caption align="top" style="text-align:right">
		<?php CreateResultLimit();?>
<!--		<input type="text" size="1" name="limit" value="<?php echo $_GET["limit"];?>"> Per Page
		<input type="hidden" name="offset" value="<?php echo $_GET["offset"];?>">
		<input type="hidden" name="sort" value="<?php echo $_GET["sort"];?>">
		<input type="hidden" name="dir" value="<?php echo $_GET["dir"];?>">
		<a href="?limit=<?php echo $_GET["limit"];?>&offset=<?php if ($_GET["offset"] - $_GET["limit"] >= 0) {echo $_GET["offset"] - $_GET["limit"];};?>&sort=<?php echo $_GET["sort"];?>&dir=<?php echo $_GET["dir"];?>">&lt;&lt;Prev</a>&nbsp;
		<a href="?limit=<?php echo $_GET["limit"];?>&offset=<?php echo $_GET["offset"] + $_GET["limit"];?>&sort=<?php echo $_GET["sort"];?>&dir=<?php echo $_GET["dir"];?>">Next&gt;&gt;</a>
-->	</caption>
		<th><?php SortLink(id,'ID');?></th>
		<th><?php SortLink(account_name,'Acct');?></th>
		<th><?php SortLink(name,'Name');?></th>
		<th><?php SortLink(level,'Level','DESC');?></th>
		<th><?php SortLink('class','Class');?></th>
		<th><?php SortLink(zonename,'Zone Name');?></th>
<!--		<th><?php SortLink(pktime,'PK Time');?></th>		-->
		<th><?php SortLink(groupid,'Group ID','DESC');?></th>
		<th><?php SortLink(timelaston,'Last On','DESC');?></th>
		<th><?php SortLink(birthday,'Birthday','DESC');?></th>
<?php flush(); ob_flush();?>	<tr>
		<td align="right">
			<?php // CreateDropdown(id,character_);?>&nbsp;
			<?php // CreateDropdown(account_name,character_);?>&nbsp;
			<?php // CreateDropdown(name,character_);?>&nbsp;
			<?php // CreateDropdown(level,character_);?>&nbsp;
			<?php // CreateDropdown('class',character_);?>&nbsp;
			<?php CreateDropdown(zonename,character_);?>&nbsp;
<!--		<td>
			<?php // CreateDropdown(pktime,character_);?>&nbsp;
-->		<td align="right">
			<?php CreateDropdown(groupid,character_);?>
			<?php // CreateDropdown(timelaston,character_);?>&nbsp;
			<?php // CreateDropdown(birthday,character_);?>&nbsp;

if ($_GET["account_id"] != "") {
	$where = " WHERE account_id=" . $_GET["account_id"] . " ";
if (!isset($_GET["sort"]) || ($_GET["sort"] == "")) {
	$_GET["sort"] = "timelaston";
if (!isset($_GET["dir"]) || ($_GET["dir"] == "")) {
	$_GET["dir"] = "DESC";
$query1 = "SELECT, AS account_name, character_.account_id,, character_.timelaston, character_.x, character_.y, character_.z, character_.zonename, character_.zoneid, character_.pktime, character_.groupid, character_.class, character_.level, CONV(CONCAT(LPAD(BIN(ASCII(SUBSTRING(character_.profile,232,1))),8,'0'),LPAD(BIN(ASCII(SUBSTRING(character_.profile,231,1))),8,'0'),LPAD(BIN(ASCII(SUBSTRING(character_.profile,230,1))),8,'0'),LPAD(BIN(ASCII(SUBSTRING(character_.profile,229,1))),8,'0')),2,10) AS  birthday FROM character_ LEFT JOIN account ON" . $where . " ORDER BY " . $_GET["sort"] . " " . $_GET["dir"] . " ";
// Limit query if $_GET["limit"] is set
if ($_GET["limit"] != "") {
	$query1 .= " LIMIT " . $_GET["limit"] . " OFFSET " . $_GET["offset"] . " ";
$result1 = mysql_query($query1,$db);

// Display data if any found, message if none found

if ($db_row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {
	do {
		// Find out how many characters the account has
		global $db;
		$query_chars = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS id FROM character_ WHERE account_id='" . $db_row1["account_id"] . "'";
		$result_chars = mysql_query($query_chars,$db);
		$db_row_chars = mysql_fetch_array($result_chars);

		echo "\t<tr>
		<td align=\"right\">" . $db_row1["id"] . "</td>
		<td title=\"ID: " . $db_row1["account_id"] . "\"><a href=\"../account/?id=" . $db_row1["account_id"] . "\">" . $db_row1["account_name"] . "</a> (<a href=\"?account_id=" . $db_row1["account_id"] . "\">" . $db_row_chars["id"] . "</a>)</td>
		<td><a href=\"../inventory/?id=" . $db_row1["id"] . "\">" . $db_row1["name"] . "</a></td>
		<td align=\"right\">" . $db_row1["level"] . "</td>
		<td>" . $Classes["{$db_row1["class"]}"] . "</td>
		<td title=\"X: " . $db_row1["x"] . "\nY: " . $db_row1["y"] . "\nZ: " . $db_row1["z"] . "\">" . $db_row1["zonename"] . "</td>
<!--		<td>" . $db_row1["pktime"] . "</td>		-->
		<td align=\"right\">" . $db_row1["groupid"] . "</td>
		<td>" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$db_row1["timelaston"]) . "</td>
		<td>" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$db_row1["birthday"]) . "</td>
	flush(); ob_flush();
	} while ($db_row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1));
} else {
	echo "\t\t<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"11\">No records found</td>



include "../includes/footer.php";



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