Thread: LDON Adventures
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Old 10-26-2007, 10:05 AM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 589

All you LDoN haters out there are going to be sad to hear work has already begun on LDoN, mostly at PEQ so far, but LDoN is coming to an emulated server near you.. probably not until sometime after the holidays though.

Of course there is a very long list of things that need to be done on the server. And depending on who you ask and what that person's agenda is, you'll get a different list of priorities. But thats neither here nor there, because at the end of the day, the things that are going to get coded, are whatever the person doing the code is most interested in. So relax, download the code and contribute to it by posting in the code submission section of this forum or simply play and enjoy yourselves.

Think back a year ago today and ask yourself, what was the state of the server code then... I can tell you, at the time the server code had many stability issues, memory issues and bugs that would lock up the whole server just because some assling in misty thicket looted his bee jam! My friends, what a long way the code has come and for the better.

So I guess my point is this... If you hate LDoN and cant figure out why some ass clown like me is going to waste my time coding zone instancing instead of fixing fear pathing, well no one is going to stop you from following your interests and no one here is going to turn down your code contribution to implement fear pathing either.
Read my developer notes at my blog.

If it's not on IRC, it ain't l33t!
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