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Old 07-22-2009, 05:45 PM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 458

PEQServerPack-Maps-4.0-1110a.exe is horribly outdated (their site is down so I can't check but I'm sure it hasn't been updated in a year or so), so you may want to try downloading the latest binaries from the googlecode page. As of writing this, it's revision 774. Grab the one you want - if you want the bots, grab the If not, then get the regular version.

Then download the database here and source it in.

Then you'll want the latest quests and maps.

If you want to keep current, follow the compiling guide here. By compiling your own sources, you can stay on top of changes and fixes and make your general playing experience much more enjoyable.

Once you've got everything, make sure you keep an eye on the database version and server revision numbers. If you've followed the instructions above, you should have Revision 774 of the server, and pewdb_Rev781.sql.gz. This means that the database revision is higher than the server files - which is fine to an extent. I'll explain later. But for now, just recognize that the server revision supports the database since it's lower and you shouldn't have any issues.

If anything, just grab the latest server binaries, database, maps and quests files and you should be golden.
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