Thread: Quiver Haste?
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Old 04-18-2008, 05:13 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Ohio
Posts: 648

It took me a while to find it, but the simple answer is no, it doesn't look like it.

Haste is calculated in zone/client_mods.cpp:
 1029 int Client::CalcHaste() {
 1030 	int h = spellbonuses.haste + spellbonuses.hastetype2 + itembonuses.haste;
 1031 	int cap = 0;
 1032 	int level = GetLevel();
 1033 	/*
 1034 	if(disc_inuse == discBlindingSpeed) {
 1035 		if(!disc_elapse.Check(false)) {
 1036 			h += 20;		//this ammount is completely unknown
 1037 		} else {
 1038 			disc_inuse = discNone;
 1039 		}
 1040 	} */
 1042 	if(level < 30) { // Rogean: Are these caps correct? Will use for now.
 1043 		cap = 50;
 1044 	} else if(level < 50) {
 1045 		cap = 74;
 1046 	} else if(level < 55) {
 1047 		cap = 84;
 1048 	} else if(level < 60) {
 1049 		cap = 94;
 1050 	} else {
 1051 		cap = 100;
 1052 	}
 1055 	if(h > cap) h = cap;
 1057 	h += spellbonuses.hastetype3;
 1058 	h += ExtraHaste;	//GM granted haste.
 1060 	Haste = h;
 1061 	return(Haste);
 1062 }
Just thinking out loud, the main issue with just adding a line at the bottom to check for quivers w/ weight reduction is that it would also apply the haste to regular weapons. Therefore, a check or separate function would be needed to see if it is a ranged weapon.

Hope this helps.
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