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Old 06-17-2009, 12:56 AM
ChaosSlayerZ's Avatar
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Default Paly and Sk NPC inherited abilities reset

I am not posting this in bug section since its not realy a bug, from other hand its not realy a feature request neither. Its kind of both...

Back on LIVE Paly and SK npcs were able to reset their timer on using Lay Hands and Harm Touch as soon as they have lost agro (killed player, player zoned or FD)

I have tested this many times on LIVE. Basicly Sk npc would always open with a Harm Touch, and once he lost agro, his HT timer would be instantly reset and he could use it again once agroed, as soon as 1 tick appart, given he keeps loosing agro (FD and stand up -you gona get HT again and again)
Same goes for Lay Hands - if npc paladin would have used his LH he could use it again if his agro was cleared.

From what I can tell npc on Emu do not follow this pattern. They in fact using ACTUAL refresh timers on LH and HT

Now whenever this is a "bug" or a "discovered feature" is to you to decide =)
Personaly I see benefits in having it both ways from the content desing stand point. Specialy since these rules also apply to pets should your pet be Sk or Paly by class (mine are and plenty of)

Essentialy it would be nice to have this "fixed" in such way that BOTH way could stil be availalble, and server admin via RULE could switch between LIVE-like (reset on agro clear) and actual time reset for these abilities.

PS. And don't nerf my pets! =P
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