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Old 06-26-2008, 02:00 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: San Jo, Cali
Posts: 180

Da Pirate's Cove A Classic Legit Dungeon Progression Server.

A little about the server and what it will become:

The vision I have for the server is basically a straight progression through content featuring mainly dungeons as well as some of the more popular outdoor zones which I am customizing. Kunark and its predecessors will be unlocked through server progression ie... certain boss kills which I will announce.

As per classic the max level is 50, classic models are forced and non classic races and classes are not in game.

Classic items and armor, earn ancient items long forgotten - all old quest items and drops that are not in a dungeon are added in game on npc bosses and randomized on those bosses by their appropriate level. This includes all removed items.

Two spell merchants one for 1-25 spells and another for 26-50 spells all spells are hand picked and all non classic spells removed.

Zone lines are disabled. I did this for many reasons but mainly to get the server going without having to go through countless zones which many will never go to anyway. I'm always interested to hear feeback so if anyone has a zone they really miss or want in game I will go through it, tune it, and add a porter to it.

And of course this is a LEGIT server so no MQ or MQ2 will be allowed period. Boxing for the moment is allowed and it will be decided as a whole when the server goes fully live (non beta) what the ip limitation will be, currently it is set to 5 per ip.

Server Hardware:

Dedicated Toshiba Laptop running on a 2g AMD Turion64 x2 with 2g of ram
Current Running Linux Debian i386 99% uptime

Thanks much for taking the time to read this and hope to see some of you soon!

more server info here:
screenshots here:
Tinimus Minimus Da Captain - Warrior of MMOs
Lead Admin and Server Op of Da Pirate's Cove, a Custom Classic Legit Progression Server
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