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Development::Database/World Building World Building forum, dedicated to the EQEmu MySQL Database. Post partial/complete databases for spawns, items, etc.

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Old 07-22-2006, 05:54 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 253
Default Quick Najena Door Fixes

This adds keys to the doors that they belong to and fixes the opening of one of the SPEARDOWN doors (it opened horizontally, like a normal door, before).

UPDATE doors SET opentype=60 WHERE id=1485
UPDATE doors SET keyitem=20444 WHERE id=1487
UPDATE doors SET keyitem=20441 WHERE id=1484
UPDATE doors SET keyitem=20442 WHERE id=1483
UPDATE doors SET keyitem=20443 WHERE id=1503
UPDATE doors SET keyitem=20443 WHERE id=1502
UPDATE doors SET keyitem=NULL WHERE id=1486
UPDATE doors SET lockpick=50,keyitem=20445 WHERE id=1500
UPDATE doors SET lockpick=25 WHERE id=1502
UPDATE doors SET lockpick=25 WHERE id=1503
UPDATE doors SET lockpick=40 WHERE id=1484
UPDATE doors SET lockpick=40 WHERE id=1483
UPDATE doors SET lockpick=45 WHERE id=1487
Only for people wanting a little extra live-ism in this zone. I'm fairly sure that these are accurate, although the lockpick column probably isn't working as intended...
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Old 07-22-2006, 11:58 PM
AX Classic Developer
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This is great, I have them in place and works fine - Thanks!
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Old 07-23-2006, 03:16 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 117

Thanks man, nice job =)
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Old 07-26-2006, 04:45 AM
Forum Guide
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Posts: 468

Cant wait to test this out, Najena is one of my favorite zones... lots of memories.
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Old 07-26-2006, 11:59 PM
Forum Guide
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 468

Wow This is great, I guess it worked because I was told I "opened the locked door with my magic GM key" Najena is such a nice zone. I'll have to bring my legit guy here.
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Old 07-27-2006, 01:34 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 253

Wow, to be honest, I didn't expect this kind of response to a couple of quick fixes.

Can't wait until the lockpick column is working as intended. =)

Befallen coming soon (just three quick doors, I'll probably do it Friday night or Saturday night).

I also may start working on Shadow Men spawns.
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Old 07-28-2006, 12:04 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 468

Originally Posted by Sarepean
Wow, to be honest, I didn't expect this kind of response to a couple of quick fixes.

Can't wait until the lockpick column is working as intended. =)

Befallen coming soon (just three quick doors, I'll probably do it Friday night or Saturday night).

I also may start working on Shadow Men spawns.
Befallen would be awesome, I just went there the other night to work on my server and found that the doors didn't reuire any keys.

Thanks alot,
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Old 07-28-2006, 01:47 AM
AX Classic Developer
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Originally Posted by Sarepean
Wow, to be honest, I didn't expect this kind of response to a couple of quick fixes.

Can't wait until the lockpick column is working as intended. =)

Befallen coming soon (just three quick doors, I'll probably do it Friday night or Saturday night).

I also may start working on Shadow Men spawns.
Man, I'm starved for stuff like this, and I'm sure I'm not alone. I guess the most of us start up a server and think it's ready for play, in reality, it's not - there's many, many details that still need to be fixed.
Have you tried GeorgeS sql_browser? great for exporting data to SQL format - and I'm sure he'll customize more if you need.

Last edited by Angelox; 07-28-2006 at 09:50 AM.. Reason: add info
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Old 07-28-2006, 02:20 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 253

I'm using HeidiSQL from the developer of Front-SQL. When I make any changes to my database, it shows me the SQL statement equivalent of the change I just made. So, I make all the changes I'm going to, copy all the SQL I used and then I trim it down to the smallest necessary number of statements. Using this program, I can also see the table layout, the data, and construct my own SQL statements to query the database all in the program.

If you haven't checked it out already, I'd give it a shot. It's a nifty little program with a lot of features and it's free. The only problem I see with it is that it associates itself with the .SQL extension. I haven't figured out exactly what opening an SQL file with the program does, yet, but I'm also not wanting to find out given that the EQ database is the only one I have. =P

I think I'll probably download the program you've directed me to this weekend and give it a go, but, in my opinion, the program I'm using is already damned convenient. =P When I was using Front-SQL, I was always having to query the database from the MySQL prompt rather then in the Front-SQL program, but the Query ability seems to work in HeidiSQL and gives me a quick way to go back and forth between Queries and data. =)

As I pointed out to someone requesting a #DoorInfo command--- Najena door fixes took me a whole 20 minutes to fix and then release to here and most of that was clicking a door several times and alt-tabbing out to see the information dump in the zone window so I could figure out what door. As far as the SQL went, HeidiSQL made that part easy. =D
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Old 07-28-2006, 04:27 AM
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 80

Would be a nice sub project to find a group of members that are dedicated to finding and fixing doors that require keys. Creating a sticky thread with the sql fixes per zone as they are updated would be nice. Please note, anyone interested in this would have to have an active live account if he or she was to help out. This would be nice to add to peq db, making it more like live. Im just talking here, but if anyone is actually interested in this, pm me sometime.

Oh, and Sarepean.. I requested the #DoorInfo command in the feature request forum because I didnt think one existed yet, and I thought it would be a nice addition to the commands, especially for a dev. I never thought of your method, and Im sure it would come in handy. My only problem with that method, is that my pc doesnt always like it when I alt-tab, sometimes it even locks up my eq with a "eq is not responding". So, that is why I requested a command to spit out the clicked door info into a log file.

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Old 07-28-2006, 04:49 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 253

I've kind of made it into a small sub project for myself, but I'm glad that it's an interest of several other people. The only areas I know really well are the classic areas and I no longer have a live account and have not had one for almost 2 years now.

Personally, I think that Allakhazams is good enough information for a lot of the minor additions we need to make. The comments and information a lot of people make under the database entries for Allakhazams is amazingly helpful, too.

After seeing the spawn condition part of the spawn2 table and then the spawnconditions table, I think I'm going to set to work on things like the Ancient Cyclops spawn and will probably check to see if the Kithicor undead have been fixed as well. =)

I can't think of a lot of old world zones that needed keys and had locked doors, though. =/ Najena and Befallen were all that I could think of when I sat down to try and figure it out. They were also some of the only dungeons.

What I would like to see after these fixes is more engaging quests to get people BACK into the old world zones. For instance, the Tome of Ages quest. I would honestly love to sit down with a group of people to try and get the entire quest done as a community type thing. Perhaps completing the entire Tome of Ages quest would spawn a random Fabled Creature so, to collect all the fabled gear, you would have to do the quest a ton of times--- lot of time and effort--- and, for their hard work, we change the fabled gear to be droppable?

I'd also like to see some kind of major quest in the Ocean of Tears to get people back into that zone now that the boats no longer work (and haven't for a long long time... not EQEmu's fault, this one is Sony).

EDIT:: I would kind of like to see the whole doors thing become a team thing as well. I'm knocking down Befallen this weekend. Who all is interested in participating in this? I'm figuring we probably need 2 or 3 people working on the doors if we have enough zones. The Hole will probably be the big one since that zone was designed to bring Thieves back into the team situation.

Last edited by Sarepean; 07-28-2006 at 12:55 PM..
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Old 07-28-2006, 05:28 AM
AX Classic Developer
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wasn't there a whole area in Sebelis you couldn't get into unless you had a key or a Rouge or something?
Another thing i saw on the live progression servers : the exp rate is low, like it was originally. I started in Nerak, got to level 2 killing the rodents, then it got so slow, I had to move out to Nek forest and try and level faster there. and also, loots were just a few cps unlike our servers, where you start loot pps right away.
This is all important if you want to make your server interesting: Why look for plat if you're rich right after you leave the newbee zone? Why work for exp and levels, if you can get half a level on a kill? Sony was doing this at the end mainly because they were loosing players and were trying to "suck-up" to them. They figured if they could get you to level 50 quick, they would be able to snag you into the new, high-level expansions. But it was al a chain reaction, if i enable you to level 70, then you can go around "abusing" the lower zones like Najena and and Unrest, to a point where you get bored, because you'd get tired of farming and easy kills. at the end, you have a bunch if empty zones you so hard worked to get them opertional.
So, you have to really think out what you're going to do. If you want to play everquest like you used too, you wouldn't go too high with the zones, keep the plat, drops, spawns rare and the levels maybe 60 at most. some of the new zones were not too bad - like Kunark, Vellious, LoY. Still you could play the original zones with some challenge.
Heres an Idea; make level caps at 50 or 55, then make the newer zones playable for level 50-55 (like lower the mob levels) - this would keep all the zones interesting.
When I first played Everquest, I must have played a year, and my ranger was still around 35 and poor. But I was really into it and was really happy when i finally got a loot or a few pp. This is what needs to be brought back to EQ.
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Old 07-28-2006, 05:36 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 253

I played back in Beta phases 3 and 4 and you pretty much started in Nektulos when you went to gain levels.

Personally, I miss a lot of the feel of the game. I would love to spend Saturday night and Sunday morning going from zone to zone and making the necessary database and quest changes to attempt to get a good feel to the game back. I'm in complete agreement with you about the money situation, though it sounds like the progression servers have taken it down several notches--- maybe even lower then the game was when it originally was released. Most spells at level 4 only cost a few silver and you can easily make a few gold selling stacks of bone chips to merchants. So, the idea of creatures only dropping a few copper in newbie zones isn't so bad, but I think originally, they dropped about 1 silver each.

Also, a problem I'm seeing is that things that shouldn't drop money at all do. For example, I believe I've looted money off of bears in the West Commons. Since when did beasts get money loot? I know for sure I begged gold off of one in Rathe Mountains. =/ Personally, I think a database change may be in order just to take gold off of beasts.

For some reason, it does seem like Fire Beetles dropped gold in Live, though. Not sure about that. Probably not.

Angelox--- I think you and I need to get together on some of this stuff.

EDIT:: Also, I was only ever in Sebilis one time. As I said, I stuck mostly to the old world zones. When I did play in the expansions, it was all Old World, seems like maybe Kunark for a little while, and then Planes?
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Old 07-28-2006, 06:43 AM
AX Classic Developer
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Originally Posted by Sarepean
I played back in Beta phases 3 and 4 and you pretty much started in Nektulos when you went to gain levels.

Personally, I miss a lot of the feel of the game. I would love to spend Saturday night and Sunday morning going from zone to zone and making the necessary database and quest changes to attempt to get a good feel to the game back. I'm in complete agreement with you about the money situation, though it sounds like the progression servers have taken it down several notches--- maybe even lower then the game was when it originally was released. Most spells at level 4 only cost a few silver and you can easily make a few gold selling stacks of bone chips to merchants. So, the idea of creatures only dropping a few copper in newbie zones isn't so bad, but I think originally, they dropped about 1 silver each.

Also, a problem I'm seeing is that things that shouldn't drop money at all do. For example, I believe I've looted money off of bears in the West Commons. Since when did beasts get money loot? I know for sure I begged gold off of one in Rathe Mountains. =/ Personally, I think a database change may be in order just to take gold off of beasts.

For some reason, it does seem like Fire Beetles dropped gold in Live, though. Not sure about that. Probably not.

Angelox--- I think you and I need to get together on some of this stuff.

EDIT:: Also, I was only ever in Sebilis one time. As I said, I stuck mostly to the old world zones. When I did play in the expansions, it was all Old World, seems like maybe Kunark for a little while, and then Planes?

I was hoping to find some people that would get interested in putting EQEmu into a "real game" status. I think we should keep it open and on these forums, this way, we might set some standards that would enable us to share our database info either that, or everyone work on the same database, and have it always posted for download when it's updated. Theres just some things i can see how you could add to another database - for example on my Bilge Farfathom scripts, I used some mobs from the database - these had to be removed/replaced from the spawn tables first, else you'd have Bilges spawning everywhere.
Maybe what I really need to think about is, how am i going to set up a database that will enable a handful of us to work on, and post it for download?
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Old 07-28-2006, 06:59 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 253

Actually, you didn't HAVE to take those mobs out of spawngroups and spawnlists, just give them a 0% chance of spawning and call it done. That is a simple update statement and would be compatible with every version of the database that has the chance column.

I think maybe we should just post our SQL changes as we complete things, test each other's stuff and go from there.

We don't need to release a database because the majority of people aren't going to use or care that we're doing this. They'll continue using PEQ or Cavedudes. Also, I use PEQs. The object isn't to replace either database, it's to have the changes we make that other people would be interested in that is compatible with one or both databases to make it better for the players.

At least, that's my view on the situation.
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