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Old 04-13-2009, 11:17 PM
Join Date: Jan 2002
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Originally Posted by VallonTallonZek View Post
When you get your Dev vs. Dev server up, I am gonna corpse camp you Trevis...
Careful the eqemu conglomerate of server owners will come after you.
EQ2Emu Developer
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Member of the "I hate devn00b" club.
Old 04-13-2009, 11:19 PM
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If you zerg I will train and say it was an accident.
Old 04-13-2009, 11:20 PM
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Originally Posted by VallonTallonZek View Post
If you zerg I will train and say it was an accident.
That is against the play nice policy /ban.
EQ2Emu Developer
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Old 04-13-2009, 11:22 PM
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you cant ban me, ill hack your loginserver and call you bro a lot in vent.
Old 04-13-2009, 11:22 PM
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Does the play nice policy apply extra to moderated users?
Bane of Life [Custom Classic/PvP]
Old 04-13-2009, 11:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Yeormom View Post
Does the play nice policy apply extra to moderated users?
I am the purgatory of users go me
EQ2Emu Developer
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Old 04-14-2009, 08:07 PM
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Posts: 32

Thus, a fact. The server today is nothing like it was a year ago when TheLieka was the full time administrator, both in features and in community.
Also, you do realize most of that code was by Null right?
you do realize that Null and TheLieka are on the same team right? and furthermore, you do realize that the EQEmu community (that means all players, and all GMs, from all servers) benefits much MUCH more as a whole, when the server heads aren't bickering amongst each other over petty, irrelevant issues that could easily be handled and resolved privately.

with that being said, any server dev. that puts in a respectable amount of time into his/her server is going to be offended when they not only have to deal with a player falsely slandering that server, but also and especially when other server devs join in on the action. i know these servers are like our children, but let's all try to lead by example, eh?

Every EQEmu server benefits from every other EQEmu server. people have left VZTZ Server for PEQ, and people have left PEQ for VZTZ. players hop servers until they find the one they like, period. however, if new players discover EQEmu and see a bunch of server devs squabbling.. well, lets just say it doesn't encourage community growth.

Now to focus on some things about only VZTZ that i haven't seen addressed yet..
1)Our rules are very clearly posted and easy to read/find. our GMs are very firm, but very fair, and are ALWAYS willing to listen to a player's opinion on a ban as long as its done respectfully.

2)Our GMs do NOT play on our server. They are NOT allowed to play for any reason, or under any circumstances. Any staff member caught doing this would be instantly banned for blatantly disregarding the integrity of the server/community. doing this is a slap in the face to fellow GMs and isnt tolerated by us (personally, when i get the itch to play, i log on PEQ, Irreverent(sp?), or secrets total anarchy).

3)its a pvp server, emotions run high around here, and players do try to get their enemies banned through false accusations. Our Staff takes cheating/hacking/MQ all very seriously, but we have to be 100% positive before banning a player. many players scream hacks as soon as something happens that they do not understand.

and lastly, 4)EVERY SERVER has players that cheat, more specifically, EVERY GAME has players that cheat. Baseball has cheaters, EQLive had TONS of cheaters, blackjack has cheaters. Anywhere that you have some form of competition between human beings, you will also have people that try to get "ahead of the curve" but taking shortcuts (steroids, MQ, card counting, etc).
on VZTZ, as a staff, we do our very best to identify and then terminate cheaters asap. so please, feel free to log on to the server and look for cheaters (you may end up staying, its that much fun ). but if do you find any, we'd be happy to check into it and take appropriate action. just the same as im sure any other server devs that care about their server would do.

VZ/TZ Staff
Old 04-14-2009, 08:54 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 32

One last thing Yeormom.. posts 38 and 4 contradict themselves.

in post 38 you say:
Originally Posted by Yeormom View Post
I actually would have never read a single post in this thread but I keep getting PMs on IRC telling me that I was being flamed so like Image said, only stating the facts.
however, in post #4 you said:
Originally Posted by Yeormom View Post
You'll have to wait a few months for the next decent PvP server~ several are in development.
Keep in mind that Post 4 was made before any representatives from VZ/TZ staff (or players), said anything in this thread at all. It was a blatant shot at the staff and the community that resides on the VZ/TZ Server, and it’s not appreciated.

Yeormom, Everyone knows about your server, and while myself and the rest of the staff at VZ/TZ wish you and your staff the best of luck, we do not do so at the expense of you bad mouthing us, our players, and our server in a poor attempt to make your own project look better.
If u put in the work, and your project offers something that players want, they will come to you, and with you they shall stay. But trying to spur community growth by means of slander, and potential player poaching is just not very becoming for a server dev.
Sirken e'Lanti - Project1999 Staff
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Old 04-19-2009, 05:36 PM
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Haha, I have nothing to add to this. It's good to see our closest friends Richardo, Image, and Yeormom come out of the woodwork when they're trying to promote a server. The bottom line is this: you guys have project ADD. You get a wild hair in your ass and decide to set up an EQEmu server, spend more time talking shit about other servers - in this case ours (which, I kindly point out, has had a MUCH longer run than any of your previous projects), at which point you may or may not actually bring your project live, then you and your project fades into obscurity within 6 weeks. Everyone else in the community is aware of this concept; I guess I have to be the one to let you in on the joke.

Talk all the shit you want, the players know which projects will be here and which will not. (unless, of course, some of you find another way to attack the public login server and shit in everyone's wheaties - again)

In summary: Make more anonymous forum accounts to agree with yourselves. No one cares about your opinions.


Former ServerOp - Vallon Zek / Tallon Zek Emu Server - Legit / Guild PvP - (2007 - 2011 RIP)

Last edited by trevius; 04-20-2009 at 02:06 AM.. Reason: consistency
Old 04-19-2009, 07:19 PM
Join Date: Jan 2002
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Originally Posted by TheLieka View Post
Haha, I have nothing to add to this. It's good to see our closest friends Richardo, Image, and Yeormom come out of the woodwork when they're trying to promote a server. The bottom line is this: you guys have project ADD. You get a wild hair in your ass and decide to set up an EQEmu server, spend more time talking shit about other servers - in this case ours (which, I kindly point out, has had a MUCH longer run than any of your previous projects), at which point you may or may not actually bring your project live, then you and your project fades into obscurity within 6 weeks. Everyone else in the community is aware of this concept; I guess I have to be the one to let you in on the joke.

Talk all the shit you want, the players know which projects will be here and which will not. (unless, of course, some of you find another way to attack the public login server and shit in everyone's wheaties - again)

In summary: Make more anonymous forum accounts to agree with yourselves. No one cares about your opinions.

I never said anything bad about your server but thanks for letting me know what side of the issue I am supposed to be on.
EQ2Emu Developer
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Old 04-19-2009, 08:48 PM
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lmmfao so now your saying he attacked the loginserver that is just on crappy hardware and breaks alot on its own? wow dude image they really dont like you lol
Old 04-19-2009, 09:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Aergad View Post
lmmfao so now your saying he attacked the loginserver that is just on crappy hardware and breaks alot on its own? wow dude image they really dont like you lol
Not that what TheLieka said needs to be justified here, but the thing you find so funny does have facts to back it up. Doodman caught devn00b crashing the Login Server more than once. Devn00b admitted to it openly (directly to me in IRC at least). Devn00b also said in IRC that if the LS had been crashed that way other than the times that devn00b admitted to crashing it, that it was probably Image doing it. Though, he claims that any time they were crashing it was due to them doing "testing" while developing their own Login Server.

And Aergad, your judge of character isn't exactly the best according to this recent post where your trusted hosting provider gave you the boot and "stole" your work:

So, please if you must criticize the staff here, try to have all of the information before making any claims. Otherwise, please refrain from the cynical comments.

The only reason I went as far as to explain this is because I think it is important that people understand some of the frustrations of the team, and why certain members here might not be shown the respect that we show to all of the normal members. I am honestly a bit surprised that we even tolerate certain people to the point that we have so far. I have so much more to say on this topic that I could write a book about it. But, this is not the place, nor time, for that :P
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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Old 04-19-2009, 09:48 PM
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I was in irc dev admitted to it TWICE then said he didnt know hat image did that isnt saying anything about accusing image of doing it just that he didnt knowhat image did.

Thing is these ttwo have done more for the community in terms of the code base then any staff member presently active and you guys shit all over them.

Yes i know i got boned pretty bad but that was a simple mistake not like i heard any warnings from anyone about the guy.

All im saying is that you know simply by virtue of all the work they have done for the community as a whole they should be given a bit of respect ya know. thats like a doctor saving yoru life you getting off the table and kicking him in the balls repeatedly

It wasnt criticizim by the way im just sayin its not like they were attacking the ls for the whole time it was having issues devnoob said twice TWICE so TheLeika really shouldnt be blaming them for the whole time the ls has been screwing up when everyone says that it was caused by one pretty old crappy hardware plus other things too like the wiki and website as well.
Old 04-19-2009, 10:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Aergad View Post
I was in irc dev admitted to it TWICE then said he didnt know hat image did that isnt saying anything about accusing image of doing it just that he didnt knowhat image did.
First he said it was 3 times, then days later he said it was 2 times. Conveniently getting less and less each time :P He was caught red-handed, so he had to admit to it lol! How many times did it happen that he didn't get caught for? Would you tell everyone the truth if you were repeatedly crashing the public LS while trying to convince the community to trust you and switch to your LS? Even if it was only those 2 or 3 times, I find it interesting that the exact same technique that Devn00b used to crash the Login Server was also used to repeatedly and intentionally crash almost every popular Server on the Public LS just days after he had crashed the LS.

Originally Posted by Aergad View Post
Thing is these ttwo have done more for the community in terms of the code base then any staff member presently active and you guys shit all over them.
I don't know where you are getting this information. Have you seen the hundreds of SVN updates in just the past 6 months? About 1/3rd of the current change log is from the past 6 months since the new SVN was put into place, and the change log goes back to 2003! So, out of the past 6 years, 1/3rd of that work has been done in the past 6 months...Impressive to say the least, IMO.

Even though the current changelog does not include the full log from the very beginning, even if you were to total up the number of changes in either quantity or quality, I think you will find that your statement is false. I don't think anyone in the entire EQEmu changelog history (even prior to what the current one shows) even comes close to how much KLS has done for the project. Next would probably be FatherNitwit. So, again, read up before making blind statements.

Originally Posted by Aergad View Post
Yes i know i got boned pretty bad but that was a simple mistake not like i heard any warnings from anyone about the guy.
The only advice I can give here is that you try trusting people who have earned it. If someone comes out of nowhere and offers you something for free, chances are you will get what you paid for.

Originally Posted by Aergad View Post
All im saying is that you know simply by virtue of all the work they have done for the community as a whole they should be given a bit of respect ya know. thats like a doctor saving yoru life you getting off the table and kicking him in the balls repeatedly
It doesn't matter how much you give if you can't prove yourself to be worthy of trust and respect.

Originally Posted by Aergad View Post
It wasnt criticizim by the way im just sayin its not like they were attacking the ls for the whole time it was having issues devnoob said twice TWICE so TheLeika really shouldnt be blaming them for the whole time the ls has been screwing up when everyone says that it was caused by one pretty old crappy hardware plus other things too like the wiki and website as well.
It is funny that it is still running on the same hardware and yet somehow seems to be MUCH better than it was during all of that drama.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
Everquest Emulator FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Read It!

Last edited by trevius; 04-20-2009 at 06:43 AM..
Old 04-19-2009, 10:30 PM
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Former ServerOp - Vallon Zek / Tallon Zek Emu Server - Legit / Guild PvP - (2007 - 2011 RIP)
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